10 cosas a tener en cuenta al comprar sistemas de audio para automóviles

10 cosas a tener en cuenta al comprar sistemas de audio para automóviles

Presentado por nuestros amigos en BestCarAudio.com

Cuando se trata de comprar o actualizar un sistema de audio para autos, hay cientos de productos para elegir y docenas de preguntas para hacerle al personal de ventas de su minorista local de audio para autos. Este artículo brinda algunas pautas básicas para facilitarle el proceso y garantizar que obtenga el equipo y el servicio que cumpla con sus objetivos.

1. ¿Cuál es tu punto?

¿Alguna vez ha estado conduciendo mientras escuchaba música y pensó:"Eso no suena bien" o "Este sistema no suena lo suficientemente alto"? Peor aún, tal vez tenga auriculares puestos, algo que es ilegal en muchos estados y provincias. Si ha habido un pensamiento que no sea "Me encanta el estéreo de mi automóvil", entonces debe visitar su distribuidor local de audio para automóviles. Antes de ir, asegúrese de saber por qué va. ¿Se ha estropeado parte de su sistema? ¿Quieres una radio con una nueva función? ¿Quieres una mejor calidad de sonido? más volumen general? un poco mas de bajo? mucho más bajo? Saber qué pedir le ayudará a llegar a la solución de audio perfecta de forma rápida y eficaz.

10 cosas a tener en cuenta al comprar sistemas de audio para automóvilesSi tiene amigos con sistemas de audio para automóviles del mercado de accesorios, pregúnteles si puede escucharlos. Escriba lo que le gusta de sus sistemas y lo que haría diferente. Si disfruta de su música a todo volumen, tome algunas notas sobre un sistema que crea que suena lo suficientemente alto:la marca y el modelo de los altavoces, amplificadores y subwoofers. Si hubo algo que le gustó, como un par de parlantes o una radio, anote los números de modelo. Haga lo mismo con su sistema existente. Si proporciona objetivos claros, su minorista puede reducir las sugerencias de actualización de manera precisa y eficiente.

Una solicitud de su minorista:sea honesto acerca de sus objetivos y expectativas. Si le dice a su distribuidor que solo quiere un sub pequeño, pero le gusta el sonido de un par de 12 en la parte trasera de la camioneta de su amigo, terminará decepcionado y probablemente empujará el sistema más allá de sus límites o al límite. punto de falla. Pide lo que realmente quieres y obtendrás algo que disfrutarás.

2. Lo último

10 cosas a tener en cuenta al comprar sistemas de audio para automóvilesDurante los últimos cinco años, la cantidad de personas que optaron por agregar algún tipo de solución de manos libres Bluetooth a sus vehículos ha sido considerable. Si la solución ha sido una nueva unidad principal, también obtienen USB para reproducir música desde sus teléfonos o tarjetas de memoria. Si hay algo nuevo que desea, informe a su distribuidor. Algunas actualizaciones populares incluyen una nueva unidad fuente con interfaces CarPlay o Android Auto, marcación por voz de teléfono celular, radio satelital SiriusXM, una cámara de respaldo o un sistema de sensor de estacionamiento, o una unidad fuente con una interfaz Pandora Radio o soporte para archivos de audio de alta resolución como FLAC. . Su distribuidor local estará encantado de mostrarle algunas de las características y productos disponibles para la industria de la electrónica móvil.

3. Compruébalo

Una vez que haya acotado el motivo de su visita a un minorista, debe tener un plan para probar el producto que ha elegido. Si se trata de una radio, usarla en un panel de visualización a menudo puede decirle casi todo lo que desea saber. Asegúrese de que la interfaz de usuario sea fácil de usar y comprender. Si tiene Bluetooth, asegúrese de que su teléfono se empareje con él y se vuelva a conectar automáticamente cada vez que encienda la radio. Si está buscando una unidad de fuente multimedia, asegúrese de saber cuánto tarda en arrancar cuando enciende su automóvil. Esto es importante si está agregando una cámara de respaldo al vehículo. Waiting for the radio to start so you can use the camera to back up is somewhat frustrating.

If you are after speakers or a subwoofer system, then auditioning those in a vehicle is a great idea. Once you have established how the products sound, you can listen to different speakers or subs on a display board in the store, and reference the difference from the product you listened to in the car.

4. What Flavor?

Do you need an audio system with everything from a single manufacturer? Absolutely not. While there is nothing wrong with having amps and speakers from the same company that makes your radio, different companies have different areas of expertise. The store you are dealing with carries certain brands for several reasons. Typically, a retailer chooses brands for their performance, reliability, and how easily the store owners can work with the manufacturer or supplier. When a store has a good relationship with a supplier, that often translates into better pricing and service on the products for the store, and subsequently for you.

Some consumers are skeptical about why a brand is suggested to them. That is not unreasonable, since many big box retailers are prone to pushing products that are profitable for them. Do your research and audition the products for yourself. If you like something different, then go with that. Just make sure your comparisons are “apples to apples” as best you can, and are based on fact, not reputation.

5. Trained Professionals

10 cosas a tener en cuenta al comprar sistemas de audio para automóvilesWhen it comes to handing over the keys to your car or truck, you want to know that the person working on the vehicle knows exactly what they are doing. There are programs like MECP (Mobile Electronics Certified Professional) and various local and regional government-run qualification standards that can help to quantify the skillset and knowledge of the person who will be working on your vehicle.

It is also worthwhile to ask to look at some of the work the shop has done. You want to ensure that everything is always neat and tidy when it comes to wire routing, and that products are mounted safely and securely. A neat and tidy installation area can be a good sign. You can often quantify the reliability of a shop by its clientele – if there are high-end cars around, then it probably has a good reputation.

6. Do It Yourself?

10 cosas a tener en cuenta al comprar sistemas de audio para automóvilesOver the years, do-it-yourself car audio installations have allowed people to learn a great deal about how their systems work. With the quality of factory systems improving day by day, the challenge of installing something “better” is becoming more and more difficult. Understanding polarity, phase, summing, equalization and time alignment is paramount to a successful installation. From a physical installation standpoint, working with aluminum chassis vehicles or ones with adhesive panel bonding and data communication buses poses unique challenges. Finally, even choosing a location to mount equipment has become more difficult. There are multiple computers scattered around modern vehicles, and any one of them could be a potential source of audio interference.

All of these are reasons not to do it yourself, but to turn to an established, reliable, knowledgeable shop.

7. Hook Me Up!

Modern vehicles offer many challenges when it comes to installing audio equipment. In many new vehicles, it is impossible to remove the factory radio because other vehicle functions are incorporated into it. In the case of these vehicles, you will want to make sure the shop you are working with has the tools and knowledge to test the factory audio equipment properly for signal connection points and deal with any integration challenges that come up. There are many products on the market designed to integrate with factory audio systems; ask your retailer which they use and why.

8. Stepping Higher

10 cosas a tener en cuenta al comprar sistemas de audio para automóvilesIf you are looking for real performance from your audio system, your retailer may suggest several accessories that can improve that performance. Adding sound-deadening to your vehicle should be at the top of your list. Properly installed sound-deadening not only makes the vehicle quieter but can improve the performance of your speakers by preventing the sound coming from the rear of the speaker from canceling with the sound coming from the front. Bluetooth systems work better when the vehicle is quieter, and most sound-deadening materials also block heat, so your vehicle will be more comfortable. A moderately priced set of speakers installed with proper sound-deadening can sound better than an expensive set without deadening.

If the shop needs to create adapter rings for your speakers, what materials are they using? Ideally, you want something that will not be harmed by water – ABS plastic, HDPE plastic, or Lexan and plexiglass materials are great choices.

A higher-end installation may start to involve some cosmetic fabrication. Many shops are adept at creating trim and accent panels that can add unique style to your system and you vehicle. Materials like leather, vinyl, suede, transparent plastics and mesh are very commonly integrated into custom door, dash and trim panels. Shops should have some samples of their work on display so you can see what they offer.

9. Play Me a Tune

10 cosas a tener en cuenta al comprar sistemas de audio para automóvilesOne of the most critical aspects of installing any car audio system is ensuring that each speaker is working in harmony with all the others in the vehicle. From the simplest check of balance and fader controls to ensuring that the acoustic polarity of your subwoofer is correct, each system deserves a good listen by your installer before it leaves the install bay.

As you delve deeper into the quest for realism and sonic perfection from your audio system, you will no doubt encounter Digital Signal Processing (DSP). There are several source units and amplifiers on the market with great DSP features, and the standalone processors are amazing. The key to the success of any of these systems starts with the design of the system and finishes with proper tuning. You will never get a great soundstage in front of you if your speakers are beside you. Auditioning a shop’s skills in tuning DSP systems can usually only be done in a vehicle, although a few shops have some dramatic displays in their showrooms. Have a listen to the demo vehicle.

10. After the Fact

Once your system is installed and tuned, the shop should give you a thorough walk-through of how it works, what adjustments you can make and what you should not touch. If you find that you don’t like some aspect of the system’s performance, then go back to the shop. Do not start turning dials and pushing buttons on your own – if the system was tuned properly and you start messing with it, you are more than likely to start to damage your equipment. This is a nice way of asking you not to turn up the gains on your amps.

Many shops offer lifetime installation warranties on products they install. Don’t get hung up if they don’t – it’s the philosophy of more and more shops to invest in making the installations they do so good that there is almost no chance of failure. Talk to your salesperson and understand their logic. In this case, the right answer is the one that works best for you.

Also, be sure to ask about the warranty on the products you are purchasing. Many car audio products have longer warranties when they are installed by an authorized dealer. Ask the shop what happens if something breaks. A few shops offer a direct exchange program; some send the product away for repair. Just make sure you understand how your shop of choice handles things before you make the purchase.

Buying Car Audio

The bottom line:Work with a competent retailer and you will end up with an audio system that sounds amazing and lasts for years and years. Great-sounding music can make a drive much more enjoyable.