Reseñas de los 12 mejores altavoces Bluetooth con radio en 2022
Buscar los mejores parlantes Bluetooth con radio significa que nos enfrentaremos a diferentes diseños:el estilo de los gabinetes puede influir en nuestra decisión de compra.
Kierkegaard, el filósofo danés, escribió:“Vivimos nuestras vidas avanzando y luego las entendemos mirando hacia atrás”. Esto, por supuesto, es una gran sabiduría que nunca ha sido apreciada por los líderes mundiales que constantemente nos llevan a la guerra. Pero entonces se necesita un mínimo de inteligencia para comprender la filosofía, por lo que no deberíamos esperar demasiado de ellos.
El punto es que, en nuestra vida moderna, encontramos seguridad, aprendizaje y comprensión mirando hacia atrás a medida que avanzamos. Aprender de los errores anteriores podría ser una forma más fácil de decirlo. Esta es la razón por la que nos gustan las cosas del pasado. Esto se manifiesta de muchas maneras, pero a veces hace que las cosas parezcan "auténticas".
Nos encanta que las cosas sean de los años 60 o 70 u otras décadas. Nuestra música, nuestros dispositivos, incluso a veces nuestros muebles y dispositivos, todos se encuentran bajo este paraguas.
Algunos de los productos que estamos a punto de ver están haciendo exactamente eso, retrocediendo en el tiempo. Otros no lo hacen y se mantienen fieles al estilo moderno. Nos da una opción y una cierta nostalgia. Bluetooth es tecnología moderna. Se ha convertido en una parte esencial de nuestras vidas y, especialmente, en una parte de nuestra experiencia auditiva. Ahora está integrado en nuestros sistemas de altavoces y es importante en la forma en que escuchamos nuestra música.
Con eso en mente, revisemos algunos altavoces Bluetooth de alta calidad con radio y encontremos el perfecto para usted...
Los 12 mejores altavoces Bluetooth con radio para comprar reseñas de 2022
- Amplificador de audio ION (iPA77) | Altavoz PA portátil Bluetooth
- Altavoz Bluetooth Sbode
- Sistema de altavoces PA activos inalámbricos de Pyle
- Altavoz inteligente Libratone Zipp Wifi Bluetooth
- Mini altavoz Bluetooth Anker Soundcore Flare
- Altavoz Bluetooth portátil de madera de nogal hecho a mano de Rerii
- Altavoz de radio Bluetooth inalámbrico retro Pyle
- Radio Bluetooth AM/FM Tivoli Audio M1BTCLA
- Altavoz Bluetooth de Celtic Blu
- Altavoz Bluetooth inalámbrico con radio FM Soundance
- Radio FM portátil Avantree con Bluetooth
- Altavoces Bluetooth ZoeeTree S8 V5.0
Tailgater de audio ION (iPA77) | Altavoz PA portátil Bluetooth
Ion es una empresa privada de diseño y fabricación de audio con sede en Rhode Island. Fue fundada en 2002 y forma parte de InMusic Brands. Fabrican una gama de sistemas electrónicos y de audio, pero son especialmente conocidos por los altavoces y los productos con conexión Bluetooth.
Es una unidad resistente y bien construida hecha de MDF con algunos accesorios de plástico y tiene esquinas reforzadas, por lo que resistirá algunos golpes. Y es un tamaño compacto de 9,21 pulgadas por 12,5 por 13 pulgadas, pero no es liviano y pesa casi diecisiete libras. No tiene ruedas para moverlo. Entonces, si lo está sacando, tendrá que llevarlo.
Adentro no afuera…Incorporado es un woofer y un tweeter. Tienen un rango de frecuencia de 77 Hz-20 kHz. Tiene una potencia nominal de 50 vatios, pero en RMS, probablemente sea alrededor de 25-30 vatios. Pensamos que será mejor usarlo en el interior que en el exterior. Y tiene una batería recargable que dura hasta 50 horas antes de que sea necesaria una recarga.
Obviamente viene con conectividad Bluetooth, y hay una aplicación para usuarios de IOS o Android que te da más control. Hay un puerto USB, pero eso es solo para cargar cualquier dispositivo que pueda estar conectado a él.
¿Te apetece cantar una canción?Tiene AM y FM y tiene la capacidad de almacenar seis estaciones AM y seis FM. Hay una antena de goma resistente. Hay una pantalla de colores brillantes en la parte delantera del Tailgater que brinda información básica de conectividad. Tiene un micrófono, por lo que podría ser una gran pequeña máquina de karaoke básica para fiestas.
Hay un volumen maestro y un volumen separado para el micrófono. Tiene una entrada de ⅛” de pulgada para conectar su reproductor de CD u otros dispositivos con los accesorios correctos.
Con un precio razonable, es una buena máquina pequeña para reuniones pequeñas.

- Bien hecho con una construcción robusta.
- Algunas buenas opciones de conexión a un precio razonable.
- Algunos querrán más potencia y funciones.
Altavoz Bluetooth Sbode
Este altavoz Bluetooth de Sbode ciertamente no es un gran fiestero. Pero como sistema de altavoces personales, tiene mucho que ofrecer. Ciertamente tiene una construcción dura. A menudo pensamos que este diseño tiende a parecerse a una de esas antorchas industriales pesadas que ves. Por supuesto, para este producto, es un diseño ideal.
El diseño de tela y caucho negro le da una sensación robusta, y esto se ve reforzado por los radiadores de metal en cada extremo. Está catalogado como resistente a la lluvia y a las salpicaduras, pero no es adecuado para sumergirlo. Por lo tanto, es genial para la piscina o la playa, pero no lo dejes caer al agua.
Buscar y almacenar…Tiene conectividad Bluetooth 4.2 con la distancia habitual de unos 100 pies para su uso. Y tiene una radio FM con facilidades de búsqueda automática y manual. Además, también te permite almacenar tus estaciones favoritas.
Es un buen tamaño compacto de 7,4 pulgadas por 2,7 por 2,7 pulgadas y pesa solo una libra. Y entregará nueve vatios de salida, suficiente para algunas personas alrededor de la piscina o en la playa. Sin embargo, no va a conducir una fiesta.
Falta un poco en la gama baja...Hay un micrófono incorporado y tiene una duración de batería de aproximadamente ocho horas. El sonido es bastante bueno, con dos controladores que producen un sonido decente. Pero si somos honestos, un poco de poca potencia en las bajas frecuencias.
Los controles se manejan fácilmente pero no están etiquetados particularmente bien, lo cual es negativo en nuestra opinión. Las ranuras de memoria micro-USB y microSD se colocan debajo de una solapa debajo de los botones de control. Hay una entrada auxiliar de 3,5 mm.
Este es un altavoz resistente al agua decente, pero tiene sus limitaciones. Los materiales utilizados para la prevención del agua real no son útiles para producir un gran sonido. El sonido, por tanto, no es el mejor. No creemos que puedas esperar que lo sea. Y le falta un poco de volumen, lo cual es una pena porque es un buen pequeño sistema. Pero por el precio y lo que hace, es una buena compra.

- Construcción fuerte con buenos materiales y a prueba de salpicaduras.
- Precio asequible con algunas características interesantes.
- Un poco de poca potencia y falta de reproducción de sonido de calidad.
Sistema de altavoces PA activos inalámbricos de Pyle
A Pyle le gusta hacer mucho ruido a veces, y este altavoz activo ciertamente está diseñado para hacer eso. Tiene dos woofers de 10 pulgadas y dos tweeters de tres pulgadas que generan 1000 watts o 500 watts RMS con un extremo inferior prominente.
Está diseñado para fiestas e incluso tiene su propio conjunto de luces LED intermitentes. Eso agregará la sensación de "discoteca" a su fiesta al aire libre.
¿Guitarra o micro?Tiene conectividad Bluetooth para transmitir música y le dará acceso a su teléfono o tableta iOS o Android para reproducir música de sus propias bibliotecas. Está equipado con un lector de tarjetas SD y una unidad flash USB, así como con la entrada auxiliar de 3,5 mm. También hay entradas que tomarán una guitarra o un micrófono.
Este orador ahora puede asumir un papel diferente. Con sus luces intermitentes y potencial de volumen, se convierte en una máquina de karaoke bastante potente. También dispone de radio FM.
¡Todo lo que necesitas para divertirte al máximo en el karaoke!El panel de control en la parte superior no es más que impresionante. Tomas jack para dos micrófonos y una guitarra o teclado con controles de nivel de guitarra y micrófono separados. Hay un efecto de eco, un interruptor de ecualización y controles separados de graves y agudos. También hay una entrada de audio Aux y un volumen maestro.
Sin embargo, el lugar de honor lo ocupa un ecualizador de 7 canales con controles deslizantes. También hay una pantalla LCD digital. En la parte posterior hay conexiones para altavoces pasivos adicionales si es necesario, un interruptor de encendido y apagado para las luces, la antena y conectores RCA.
No es exactamente compacto...Tiene un tamaño considerable de 15,75 pulgadas por 14 por 37,25 pulgadas y un peso de 43,44 libras. Y no funciona con baterías solo con alimentación de CA. Además, tiene una unidad de control remoto, que siempre es una adición útil a cualquier sistema de sonido.
Este es un altavoz grande y potente con capacidad Bluetooth que también se puede usar para karaoke. Se presta al estilo de fiesta. Probablemente no sea algo que pueda usar en casa solo para escuchar música. Tiene un precio asequible

- Estructura fuerte con mucho volumen.
- Bueno para fiestas e incluso karaoke.
- No es para aquellos que solo quieren tener algo de música en casa.
Altavoz inteligente Libratone Zipp Wifi Bluetooth
Libratone es una empresa danesa que se destaca como fabricante de equipos de audio. Combine eso con la excelencia del diseño danés, y nos espera una sorpresa. Si estamos buscando altavoces Bluetooth con radio de la mejor calidad, es posible que no tengamos que buscar mucho más.
Robusto y práctico…Esta versión del Zipp se parece a la versión original que salió en 2012. Se actualizó con un panel de control diferente y la inclusión de la capacidad Bluetooth 4.0. Pero ha mantenido su diseño práctico y resistente.
El diseño es similar a otros, pero un poco más grande. El Zipp mide 4,8 pulgadas por 4,8 por 10,3 pulgadas y pesa tres libras. Como su nombre lo indica, puede quitar la cubierta exterior con cremallera, que revelará dos tweeters de una pulgada y un woofer de cuatro pulgadas. También hay dos radiadores de baja frecuencia de cuatro pulgadas.
Un amplificador de clase D ofrece 100 vatios de sonido y cuenta con procesamiento de señal digital. La parte inferior tiene un revestimiento de goma para garantizar la estabilidad cuando se utiliza en posición vertical.
¡Sonido completo!El altavoz tiene un diseño eficiente que proyecta el sonido en casi 360 grados. Tiene un panel de control retroiluminado en el borde superior. Han sido creativos con el diseño de los controles.
El logotipo de Libratone de un pájaro actúa como reproducción y pausa y también como control de emparejamiento de Bluetooth. Hay un botón de corazón que lo ayuda a configurar y almacenar cinco de sus estaciones de radio favoritas. Un botón de espacio de sonido le permite vincular altavoces externos. Para ajustar el volumen, pasa el dedo por la parte superior de la unidad. Esto revela puntos que indican el nivel de volumen.
¿Y el sonido que ofrece?La única palabra que puedes usar es impresionante. Nos recuerda la primera vez que vimos una unidad estéreo Bang and Olufsen. También eran daneses.
Ofrece varias formas de escuchar música y se vincula perfectamente con tus dispositivos. Se volverá a conectar al último dispositivo utilizado y tiene un alcance estándar de 30 pies. Hay un zócalo de 3,5 mm que amplía las opciones de conectividad. Es compatible para usar con Alexa.
Although it carries so many features, some we haven’t even mentioned, It is easy to use and at a very affordable price — a great speaker with Bluetooth that can be used at home or for parties.

- Great Danish design with superb functions and build quality.
- Powerful, clear sound at an affordable cost.
- The price might put some people off.
Anker Soundcore Flare Mini Bluetooth Speaker
Anker has given us a compact little speaker with a variety of uses. At 3.4 inches by 2.8 by 5.6 inches, it certainly isn’t going to take up too much room. And at just over one pound in weight, it is easy to carry around. Its circular design delivers an all-round 360 degrees sound.
It isn’t particularly loud with just two drivers and dual radiators with a power output of 10 watts. It might only be a small unit, but it has a big light show. Eight separate LEDs with five different lighting settings allow you to add a bit of atmosphere to the party.
Superb for the seaside or poolside…You can take it around the pool as it has an IPX7 rating, which means it is ok in the rain or just getting wet. It even allows for submersion for up to 30 minutes though we don’t recommend you try it.
It is powered by Li-ion battery that gives about 12 hours of use, which is better than some. The sound delivered is acceptable rather than great, with a frequency range of 73Hz~20kHz. Bluetooth pairing is easy, and it has the standard 30-meter range assuming there are no obstacles in the way. It operates with most smartphones, tablets, and laptops, but it doesn’t have an Aux-in.
A little underpowered…It is a small little speaker that will serve a function; however, it might be a bit underpowered by it can be linked up. The price point makes it an attractive option.

- Compact little speaker with good Bluetooth connectivity.
- Easy to use with lights at an affordable price.
- It might be a bit under-powered for outdoor parties.
Rerii Handmade Walnut Wood Portable Bluetooth Speaker
So, going back to Kierkegaard and making modern things look old, how about this? What a great design this is. All the modern tech but in a nostalgic little box reminiscent of the 50s radios we used to have.
Hand-made out of Walnut wood, it offers a great change from the usual modern designs with its vintage look. It is a compact speaker measuring just 5.3 inches by 2.4 by 3.1 inches, and it isn’t going to take up too much room wherever you place it.
Impressive battery life…It is fitted with Bluetooth 4.0 and easily pairs up with any compatible devices, phones, tablets, or laptops. One of its big plus points is the battery life. It has a rechargeable Lithium battery that gives 15 hours on a single charge for playing music.
Featuring a standby time of one month, it charges through a micro-USB cable into the mains. Plus, it will operate while it’s being charged.
Basic and practical…The radio has both AM and FM capability via Bluetooth, and the micro-USB cable acts as an aerial. It is not a loudspeaker system, that is not what it is for. It has a power rating 0f 8 watts, 4 watts RMS, so that is a comfortable use indoors.
The sound is quite good, clear, and quite bright but lacking a little in the low frequencies. We think this is a super little speaker with a great design and well worth its modest price point. It is very basic, but that is what it is supposed to be.

- Nice design, hand made from walnut.
- Decent sound with acceptable power rating for use at home at an affordable price point.
- Some will want more power.
Pyle Retro Wireless Bluetooth Radio Speaker
Another return to the mind of Kierkegaard with this retro speaker design from Pyle. That is an interesting idea in itself that Pyle has manufactured this speaker. They are better known for their modern-day blow your head off speaker systems.
They have produced a really nice, quaint, old-fashioned looking speaker your Granny would have appreciated. As we say, that is interesting in itself. Nevertheless, here it is a classic style from the days when our early radios were made from something called ‘bakelite.’ It has that vintage style, but it’s full of modern technology. Not a bad combination.
Quality stereo sound…It is Bluetooth 2.1 compatible and will pair up with your devices -smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Without obstacles, it will operate at the usual 30-meter distance. There is an Aux input. That allows you to connect MP3 or CD players, and it also has a USB flash drive. The USB can also be used for charging external devices. There are twin speakers to give you a decent stereo effect.
The control layout has stayed almost true to its retro design. It has a large central display, albeit in color which we wouldn’t have had,-never mind, and other rotary controls. These are the off/on and volume, selector for AM/FM and USB, and a station tuner.
Attractive and affordable…It is a decent size as well, so it is going to be prominent in a room. Measuring 14 inches by 8.8 by 10.2 inches, it weighs seven pounds. It is made from MDF fiberboard and has an attractive finish. The price point is set at an affordable level.

- Nice retro design with easy to use controls.
- Affordable price.
- Larger than most and quite heavy.
Tivoli Audio M1BTCLA Bluetooth AM/FM Radio
Another attempt at delving into the past for design, though this one is hard to give a timeframe too. It has the feeling that they wanted to do it but didn’t get the ‘vintage’ idea quite right. However, it isn’t a bad design; it just doesn’t have that feel of a time that some do.
Basic and functional…It has a wood veneer finish in a Beige color, which is not particularly appealing and is a compact little speaker at 5.2 inches by 8.4 by 4.5 inches. It weighs just over four pounds, which is quite heavy for its size.
Featuring two operational modes, the first of which is a straightforward radio with AM and FM. And secondly, the Bluetooth connection allows you to listen to your music or stream from other sites. It pairs up quite simply with your smartphone, tablet, or your laptop. For sound, it relies upon a 3-inch long-throw driver covered with a metal grille. The faceplate is also metal, and it has a 3.5mm socket.
A maritime look?Controls are very easy to use and well-labeled. Besides the speaker covering, you have a volume control and a selector switch. This allows you to choose between AM, FM, and Bluetooth or Aux. We like the large dial for tuning the signal. Does it resemble something you might see on a boat? Or is it just us?
It should be noted that this does not use battery power. It is a mains unit supply only. Neither does it have a remote control.
Rather bland and uninspiring…It is a basic radio with not a great deal in the way of features. Having a separate built-in radio is a nice idea. The design is rather bland and uninspiring, which makes this quite an expensive speaker at its price point.

- Well-made with decent materials.
- Separate radio and Bluetooth functions.
- Quite expensive for what it is.
Bluetooth Speaker by Celtic Blu
These days we have speakers that are designed for many different situations. This is one of those products. What is it suitable for?
Let’s deal with any confusion first of all…Some of the advertising material call this product waterproof. It has an IPX4 rating. That is water-resistant. Quite a different thing. It will be ok in the rain, but it cannot go in the pool. Waterproofed products can be submerged for up to 30 minutes or even longer.
This is a unit that can be used in a lot of situations, even on your bicycle, for which it has a mount. It will actually fit a variety of uses. It has 16 watts of power, which is adequate for it to be heard in exterior environments and has a 360-degree audio circle.
Ring, ring…Featuring a built-in rechargeable Ion battery, the battery life is impressive at about 30 hours. It is Bluetooth compatible and given a clear line of sight, has a standard 100 feet range. There is a microphone that allows you to take calls hands-free.
A good feature is that it will interrupt the music when a call comes through, meaning you don’t need to. A useful addition is the power bank, which allows you to charge any other devices you may have.
The FM radio gets you a good service, and there is a built-in antenna. If you want to use other sources, there is a TF card facility with 32 GB of memory. It is well-built with a rugged design and includes a remote control, a USB cable, and 3.5mm Aux Cable. And it is a compact size measuring 7.1 inches by 2.7 by 2.7 inches and weighing just 1.3 pounds.
Seems expensive for what it is…It is a good little speaker and will be able to cope with a variety of environments. It is though quite expensive.

- Quite a sturdy speaker that will cope in most outdoor environments.
- Some useful built-in features.
- It might be considered a little expensive.
Soundance FM Radio Wireless Bluetooth Speaker
Soundance has come up with an interesting design for this speaker. Known as an oblique trapezoidal structure (sorry we just had to say it). It resembles a soundbar you might see in someone’s living room. Measuring just 9.5 inches by 2.2 by 2.5 inches, it is a compact speaker that is also lightweight at 14.4 ounces.
It fulfills three functions…It is, of course, a speaker with Bluetooth 3.0 connectivity and has a dedicated FM radio. They have also included an alarm clock, which we think is a great addition. It takes TF and Micro SD cards and has USB and 3.5mm connections for external music selection from MP3s, etc.
It has a built-in rechargeable battery that will give you up to eight hours of playtime. That might be its weak point as that is not a great deal of playback time. There is a built-in microphone for hands-free calling.
On the FM radio, there is an auto-search facility. Easy to use, it will locate and save stations of your choice. There is a manual adjustment to fine-tune the signal. If you are in an area where there is a bad reception by connecting the USB or Aux cable, you will strengthen the signal.
Nice display but average sound…On the front is a nicely designed illuminated LED panel where brief information is displayed. It also displays the time in 24 hours status only. The sound can best be described as adequate.
It has two 40mm drivers that generate 6 watts each. As with all speakers with these facilities, it is the low frequencies that suffer a bit. Generally speaking, the sound is no better ot=r no worse than most other units of this size.
We think this is a decent little speaker and, at the price point, excellent value for money. Given its price and the extra little features built-in, it could be considered one of the best value Bluetooth speakers with radio available.

- Nice build and design, and easy to use.
- Built-in alarm clock and decent sounds at an affordable price.
- Battery life only eight hours.
Avantree Portable FM Radio With Bluetooth
Now, back to the future, we go again. This time to about 1965. Didn’t we all have something like this for our music?
Sweet memories…This is reminiscent of those little portables we would keep and play all day. It is a similar size at 5.2 inches by 1.3 by 2.6 inches and weighs just 5.6 ounces. And has a modest output of 3 watts across a frequency range of 90Hz to 18kHz.
It has three operational modes. Firstly utilizing its Bluetooth 2.1 connections to stream music from your devices, and it has the standard range. Then it is an FM radio that has a search and save facility, or thirdly you can listen to your own music via the Micro SD card.
There is a rechargeable battery, but it only has about 6 hours of charge when used with Bluetooth. To get a full charge takes about two hours.
Nicely designed…The controls are neatly positioned as buttons across the top of the speaker. The volume control dial, headphone socket, and 3.5mm Aux along with the SD card port on the side. All very easy to locate and adequately labeled. It as six basic EQ modes designed to enhance your listening depending on the genre of music.
The sound quality is adequate if a little quiet. Playing it too loud will cause distortion depending on what sort of music it is. It is a fun little radio and not designed to be carried around too much and certainly isn’t for anything more than maybe a few hours a day.
At the price point, it is a great little buy if you just need a few hours of music or to listen to the news.

- Nice nostalgic look about it.
- It has some nice features at an affordable price.
- Some will just want more volume and a better sound.
ZoeeTree S8 Bluetooth Speakers V5.0
Another Bluetooth speaker design that could have been lifted from a 70s museum in terms of its look. It isn’t the most powerful speaker giving out a modest 10 watts. But the sound is actually well-rounded and the bass not completely lost as is often the case.
It is a plastic build but quite sturdy and suitable for outside use at parties, though the power might be a little quiet. Also, it has built-in Bluetooth 5.0 capability with a stable connection. It is compatible with Echo Dot. It will also operate with iOS, Android, and Windows devices. For devices that may not have Bluetooth, there is a 3.5mm aux-in socket.
Turn on the light show…This is equipped with some flashing lights that pulse with the music. That gives it a more modern feel than the box they appear in suggests. It operates hands-free to let you take calls.
It is a compact speaker measuring 7.87 inches by 2.16 by 2.99 inches and weighs just over one pound. Easy to carry around. It has a Li-ion battery that will give you about 12 hours of playtime.
Better suited to younger listeners…The controls are well located on the top and the rear and are well-labeled. It is a nice little unit, maybe a bit overdone with the flashing lights. Young people will, of course, enjoy that.
Definitely geared towards party style use, it might be a little under-powered – at its price point though it is a fun buy.

- An affordable fun speaker with flashing lights.
- Some good features included and good Bluetooth connections.
- Might be a little under-powered for outdoor use.
Best Bluetooth Speakers With Radio Buyer’s Guide
Looking at the variety of speakers available is great fun. There are some great designs, some retro and nostalgic, and some bang up to date. Some are built for the home, some for parties complete with flashing lights. A great mix of features, style, and of course, price. But they all, of course, carry Bluetooth and some a host of other features.
What Do You Want From Your Speaker?
Is it for indoor use, just getting the news in the morning? Playing a few stations or your favorite songs over breakfast. Maybe it is for parties at your home where you will need a bit more volume and possibly some extras like lights. Possibly a combination of both?
Perhaps you need it for activities. There are some we looked at that will climb mountains with you if you wish. There are plenty of options.
What About The Look?
There are some great designs and some even better nostalgic creations . Some real wood cabinets with high tech inside. It doesn’t feel like they should go together, but they do.
There are some good budget range models if you don’t want to spend too much with most set at a reasonable price point. As always, set yourself a budget.
More Speaker OptionsNothing caught your eye yet? No problem, there are numerous other choices available. So why not check out our reviews of the Best Bookshelf Speakers under 500 Dollars, the Best Powered Speakers, the Best Wireless TV Speakers, the Best Party Speakers, the Best In Ceiling Speakers, and the Best In Wall Speakers on the market.
So, What Are The Best Bluetooth Speakers With Radio?
Well, we have gone for one of the more nostalgic options. Not powerful, but good features and efficient and practical design. We are not party animals, so this is for inside use. Its real wood creation screaming 1960s at us. Kierkegaard will be impressed we looked back to understand what we needed for the future.
Our choice is, therefore, the…
Rerii Handmade Walnut Wood Portable Bluetooth SpeakerIt’s a very nice design that has been hand made from walnut, offers a decent sound at an affordable price. What more could you need from the Best Bluetooth Speaker with Radio? Not much, in our opinion.
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