Los 10 mejores altavoces para vinilo del mercado en 2022
El vinilo ha visto una especie de reaparición en los últimos años, y estamos contentos por eso. Sin duda, hay una sensación de teatro y ocasión con el vinilo, que nunca se puede igualar con las tecnologías de escucha más nuevas. También hay algo especial en ese tono analógico auténtico que nos encanta.
Y a pesar de algunos de los inconvenientes obvios, este resurgimiento de la popularidad parece haber llegado para quedarse.
Entonces, si está buscando un nuevo conjunto de altavoces que coincida con su tocadiscos, no busque más. Hemos compilado una lista de los diez mejores altavoces para vinilo en la categoría de presupuesto y precio medio para reducir su búsqueda.
Vayamos directamente al grano y encontremos el par perfecto para ti...
Los 10 mejores altavoces para vinilo del mercado en 2022
- Presonus E4.5-4.5″ Monitor de estudio de campo cercano de 2 vías
- Altavoz Bluetooth portátil resistente al agua JBL Charge 4
- Altavoces de estantería con tecnología Bluetooth Edifier R2000DB
- JBL Arena B15 Estantería negra y altavoz de sonido envolvente
- Altavoces de estantería activos para audiófilos Edifier S1000DB
- Sistema de altavoces de estantería Sony SSCS5 de 3 vías y 3 controladores
- Altavoces de estantería de cine en casa Polk Audio T15 de 100 vatios
- Pioneer SP-BS22-LR Andrew Jones Home Audio Altavoces de estantería (juego de 2)
- Altavoces de estantería Micca MB42
- Altavoces de escritorio con alimentación Audioengine A2 Plus de 60 W
Presonus E4.5-4.5″ Monitor de estudio de campo cercano de 2 vías
Características y especificaciones
Nuestra primera elección son estos par de altavoces activos de Presonus. Tienen una potencia de salida total de 50 vatios y pueden generar unos respetables 100 dB de ruido cuando las cosas están a la altura de 11. La respuesta de frecuencia oscila entre 70 Hz y 20 000 Hz.
Los altavoces tienen el tamaño típico de una estantería, miden 16,5” x 9,1” x 11,8” y pesan poco más de 13 libras. Dentro de los gabinetes hay un woofer de Kevlar de buena calidad de 4,5" y un tweeter de cúpula de seda de baja masa de 1".
La buena noticia es que Presonus ha tenido la sensatez de colocar las entradas y los controles más utilizados en la parte frontal del altavoz activo. Obtiene el interruptor de encendido/apagado, el volumen, las entradas auxiliares y de auriculares perfectamente ubicadas en el panel frontal. Gracias, chicos.
Todos los controles, entradas y salidas menos utilizados están en la parte posterior. Éstos incluyen; Conexiones RCA, conexión TRS, salida a altavoz derecho y controles de sintonía acústica.
Todo esto se ve bien hasta ahora.
Construcción y calidad de sonido
Estos son altavoces muy bien ensamblados por Presonus. Nos gusta su diseño elegante y simple y la falta de rejillas de altavoces. Tienen un aspecto minimalista y sensato. Teniendo en cuenta su precio, ofrecen un gran valor tanto por la calidad de su construcción como por su sonido.
Dado que estos son predominantemente monitores de estudio, no sorprende que tengan una respuesta principalmente plana y sin color. Sin embargo, el bajo tiene mucho impacto para un woofer pequeño; de hecho, en todo caso, es quizás un poco demasiado fuerte. El tweeter produce algunos agudos buenos y claros, y el escenario de sonido tiene un buen rango y profundidad.
Los controles de ecualización en la parte posterior del altavoz activo son útiles para agregar algo de color al tono, ya que si escucha un vinilo, es posible que desee un sonido más esculpido que el de un ingeniero de audio.
Teniendo en cuenta su precio, el Presonus E4.5 ofrece algunos sonidos suaves y precisos que los hacen ideales para escuchar en campo cercano o para usar en habitaciones más pequeñas.

- Gran relación calidad-precio.
- Sonido neutro.
- Buen escenario sonoro.
- Apariencia elegante.
- Controles bien diseñados.
- Los cables incluidos son económicos.
- Solo apto para habitaciones pequeñas.
Altavoz Bluetooth portátil impermeable JBL Charge 4
Características y especificaciones
Sin duda, el JBL es el mejor altavoz impermeable Bluetooth de nuestra lista. Este altavoz Bluetooth portátil y compacto JBL Charge 4 resistente al agua pesa solo 2.0 lbs y mide 4.9 "x 5.9" x 10.8 ". Tiene una clasificación IPX 7, lo que significa que incluso podría sobrevivir a un breve chapuzón en la piscina y seguir funcionando. ¡Notable!
Hay un controlador de forma ovalada para entregar el sonido. Tiene una respuesta de frecuencia de entre 60Hz a 20,00Hz. La unidad funcionará con la red eléctrica y la batería, lo cual es útil. Puede esperar alrededor de 20 horas de uso de las baterías. Además, también hay un práctico indicador LED que te ayuda a realizar un seguimiento de la duración de la batería.
Las conexiones incluyen; USB, Bluetooth y una entrada auxiliar. También tiene la característica muy promocionada de poder conectarse a más de 100 altavoces JBL connect +. Es una característica interesante, pero no creemos que tenga mucho uso.
Construcción y calidad de sonido
Con una clasificación IPX 7, no podemos argumentar que esta cosa es resistente y resistirá algunos abusos graves al aire libre. Tampoco podemos discutir con un hermoso diseño y una increíble gama de 11 colores emocionantes. Definitivamente parece más una declaración de moda que un orador.
¿Qué pasa con el sonido?
El hecho es que el JBL Charge 4 no puede producir volúmenes particularmente altos, y también es un poco ligero en graves. Confinado por el tamaño de su conductor, lucha por bajar. Aunque suena razonablemente contundente a volúmenes más bajos, una vez que se encienden las cosas, se distorsionan y se pierde la definición.
A volúmenes bajos a medios, el sonido general es bueno. Está bien equilibrado con agudos y medios claros.
Esencialmente, este es un altavoz para exteriores y realmente no tiene un lugar en interiores como una forma seria de escuchar tu vinilo. Si tienes una fiesta pequeña y quieres llevar tu vinilo o tu Djing afuera, entonces esto encaja bien.

- Clasificación IPX 7.
- Altamente portátil.
- Conectividad Bluetooth.
- Conectividad USB.
- Volumen bajo.
- Luz en el bajo.
Altavoces de estantería con tecnología Bluetooth Edifier R2000DB
Características y especificaciones
A continuación, en nuestras revisiones de los mejores altavoces para vinilo, tenemos los altavoces de estantería con Bluetooth Edifier R2000DB, que miden 11" x 8" x 13,5" y pesan 18 libras. Tienen unos respetables 120 vatios de salida RMS. Todo esto se entrega con un controlador de 5,0" y un tweeter de cúpula de seda de 1" para cada altavoz.
Tienen conectividad Bluetooth para que pueda conectar de forma inalámbrica su dispositivo electrónico. Alternativamente, si quieres ir a la vieja escuela, hay un par de entradas auxiliares. Otras conexiones incluyen una entrada para auriculares, una entrada óptica para su TV, DVD o consola de juegos, puertos RCA y XLR.
Todas las entradas y salidas están en la parte trasera del altavoz activo junto con los controles de volumen, graves y agudos. Como hay un mando a distancia, podemos perdonarles que no tengan el control de volumen en la parte frontal del altavoz. Sin embargo, habría sido bueno tener la entrada de auriculares en la parte delantera.
Construcción y calidad de sonido
Estos son parlantes bien hechos, fabricados en China, y vienen en una opción de acabado en negro brillante o enchapado en madera. Los gabinetes están construidos con MDF, lo cual es muy normal a este precio. Vienen con rejillas frontales que están muy bien diseñadas y no interfieren con el flujo de sonido.
Los altavoces son razonablemente ruidosos con sus 120 vatios de salida RMS fácilmente capaces de llenar una habitación pequeña o mediana. Con la ayuda de los puertos de reflejo de graves orientados hacia atrás, los graves son razonablemente ajustados, alcanzan un nivel agradable y bajo y muestran poca distorsión incluso a volúmenes más altos.
Los medios son uniformes con poca coloración, y las voces y los instrumentos están claramente definidos. Además, el tweeter Eagle Eye de 1” ofrece agudos precisos, nítidos y limpios. En general, no hay duda de que estos altavoces Edifier producen un sonido de auténtica alta calidad.

- Buena conectividad.
- Bajos niveles de distorsión.
- Buen bajo.
- Volumen alto.
- Buena calidad de sonido.
- Tiene control remoto.
- Son caros.
- El control remoto es pequeño.
JBL Arena B15 Estantería negra y altavoz de sonido envolvente
Características y especificaciones
Si quieres llevar la fiesta adentro, deshazte de los parlantes JBL Charge 4 y cámbiate a estos.
Los altavoces JBL Arena B15 Black Bookshelf miden 8,58" x 18,5" x 16,5" y pesan 17,42 lb. Cada altavoz tiene un woofer de policelulosa de 5,5” y un tweeter de cúpula blanda de 1”. Pueden producir un total de 125 vatios de potencia máxima y tienen un rango de frecuencia entre 100 Hz y 40 000 Hz.
Estos son altavoces puramente pasivos, aparte de los dos postes de montaje para conectar a su receptor, y no hay otras entradas ni controles.
Construcción y calidad de sonido
Estos altavoces JBL tienen un aspecto un poco industrial. Son un poco demasiado austeros, en nuestra opinión, y creemos que realmente se benefician de tener las parrillas delanteras adjuntas. Incluso entonces, no son nada emocionantes de ver. Solo una aburrida caja negra, así que no hay puntos por originalidad aquí.
Pueden parecer aburridos, pero lo bueno es que vienen con ranuras de montaje en pared integradas en la parte trasera. Entonces, si tiene poco espacio, esto podría ser justo lo que está buscando. También vienen con una garantía del fabricante de cinco años y eso nos gusta aún más.
Estos son lo suficientemente fuertes para una habitación pequeña o mediana. Si bien no hay problema con el volumen, sentimos que faltan un poco los graves. Esto probablemente se deba a que son un altavoz sellado poco profundo sin puerto bass reflex. El piso de frecuencia de 100 Hz es demasiado alto. En consecuencia, estos altavoces probablemente se beneficiarían de estar conectados a un subwoofer.
¿Qué pasa con los medios y los agudos?
Bueno, la buena noticia es que no hay problema con las frecuencias medias o altas. Ambos son limpios y precisos. Los agudos son brillantes y con un sonido natural. Las voces en los medios bajos se destacaron por estar bien definidas.

- Buen valor.
- Garantía del fabricante de cinco años.
- Construcción delgada.
- Tienen un soporte de pared integrado.
- Carece de graves en el extremo inferior.
Altavoces de estantería activos para audiófilos Edifier S1000DB
Características y especificaciones
You’ve possibly already taken a look at the Edifier R2000Db, and now you’ve seen the Edifier S1000DB. Checking the price, you can see that the S1000DB is significantly more expensive. So, the question, quite naturally, is, are they worth it?
Let’s find out…
On the face of it, they look similar. They measure and weigh the same. That is 11” x 8” x 13.5” and 18lbs. Also, they have the same 120 watts of RMS output.
But then things start to differ…
The Edifier 1000DB has a 5.5” woofer and a 1” titanium dome tweeter. What’s more, though it has Bluetooth, the Edifier S1000Db has the latest 4.0 aptX connectivity. This significantly improves both streaming quality and latency issues.
As far as all other connections and inputs are concerned, they are the same as the R2000DB. There are RCA and XLR ports, an optical input for DVD, TV or game consoles, and also a headphone input. There are also control knobs for bass, treble, and volume.
All of the controls and inputs are found on the rear fo the active speaker.
Build and Sound Quality
It’s clear that these are better made than the cheaper models in the Edifier range. The S1000DB speakers are predominantly made out of real wood and have solid birch side panels. They look beautiful. They also come with front grills, but these are again of better quality and, in fact, a better design than the less expensive models.
Overall there’s a greater attention to detail in their finish, and they feel very much like a grown-up speaker. Even the remote control is far better than on other less expensive models.
We can see where some of that extra money went.
So what about the sound?
Well, there’s no more power than the R1000DB, though there’s obviously still enough to fill a small to medium-sized room. And you also get Dynamic Range Control and Digital Signal Processing to minimize distortion.
But you actually get more than this. These speakers have a larger 5.5” woofer, which allows them to reach down deep. This is backed up by their low-frequency specification of 48Hz. There’s also plenty of punch and clarity to the bass. The mids were smooth and clean with well-defined vocals.
There’s also high levels of clarity in the trebles courtesy of the upgraded 1” titanium tweeter.
Whilst we stand by the statement that the Edifier R2000DB speakers produce a high level of audio quality, we have to say that the Edifier S1000DB speakers sound even better. There’s no doubt that these speakers make a strong case for their additional cost.

- Buena conectividad.
- Latest Bluetooth 4.0 aptX
- Low levels of distortion.
- Deep, punchy bass.
- Gran calidad de sonido.
- It has a good-quality remote control.
- They are expensive.
Sony SSCS5 3-Way 3-Driver Bookshelf Speaker System
Features and Specifications
Our next contender for the Best Speakers For Vinyl are these Sony SSCS5 3-Way speakers, which measure 17.9” x 10.7” x 16.2” and weigh 10lb each. They have three drivers, which is unusual at this price. There is a 5.25” woofer, a 1” polyester main tweeter, and a .75” super tweeter.
The three drivers put out a maximum power output of 100watts and 30 watts of RMS power. They have a frequency response between 53Hz to 50,000Hz, have an impedance rating of 6 ohms, and a sensitivity rating of 87dB.
These are passive speakers; therefore, other than the mounting posts, there are no other connections. And you will obviously need to use a receiver to work with these speakers.
Build and Sound Quality
These are at the more affordable end of the range of speakers we’ve reviewed. In terms of their build and design quality, this is also clear to see. They’re unimaginative black vinyl MDF boxes with little quality to them. Pretty much what we’d expect for the price.
Maybe the sound will be better?
Let’s see.
The Sony SSCS5 3-Way speakers aren’t particularly loud and struggle to give precise sound at higher volumes. However, at lower volumes, they are perfectly fine. This is also the case for the bass. The fact is they can reach down surprisingly low with little distortion at lower and medium volumes. However, at higher volumes, things are not so clear, and booming can be heard.
Now to address the elephant, or rather mouse, in the room first. Sony, listen to us, there’s too much emphasis on the higher end. Squeak, squeak, squeak! It’s no real surprise as it seems to be a common trait of a lot of Japanese speakers.
But why?
We’ve genuinely no idea.
The good news is that despite the emphasis on the higher frequencies, with a bit of fiddling to the EQ settings, it is possible to tame down the trebles and dial in a decent well-balanced sound.
Considering their price, the overall sound quality was surprisingly good.

- Económico.
- Grills included.
- Low bass.
- Dominance of trebles.
- Uninspiring cabinet design.
Polk Audio T15 100 Watt Home Theater Bookshelf Speakers
Features and Specifications
Polk is a US-based company with 50 years of experience in the electronics business. They have a solid reputation for manufacturing great sounding and affordable speakers. We, therefore, have high hopes with there small and affordable T15.
Let’s look at the specs first…
The T15 measures a compact 7.3” x 6.5” x 10.7” and weighs a modest 8.25lbs. They can produce 100 watts of peak power from the 5.25” woofer and .75” tweeter. They have a front-firing bass reflex port, which is all designed and engineered using Polk’s own Dynamic Balance technology.
They have a frequency range of between 65Hz to 20,000Hz, have an impedance of 8 ohms and a sensitivity rating of 89dBs. These are passive speakers, so you’re going to need to pull that spare receiver from the back of your cupboard.
Build and Sound Quality
For this price, you’re not going to expect anything other than MDF, which is just as well, because that’s exactly what you get. We think you’ll agree, though, that the furniture quality MDF they use is a cut above what you’ll normally find on most speaker cabinets at this price.
The cabinets look well-finished and are really nicely complemented by the design and layout of the two drivers and the bass port on the front of the speaker. They do have speaker grills included, but we think they look great without them.
Full marks to Polk for making an inexpensive speaker look beautiful and interesting. Other speaker manufacturers kindly take note.
Louder than you may think…
For a small speaker, they have more volume than we’d anticipated. They’re certainly fine for a small sized-room and would probably be fine for somewhere bigger.
The bass reaches down nice and low with little distortion until the volume gets close to 11. The tweeter is precise and produces some bright trebles without becoming harsh or shrill. The mids were also nicely defined.
Overall, considering the price, the Polk T15 speakers are capable of producing some high quality and well-balanced sound. These are definitely the best value speakers we’ve looked at.

- Económico.
- Buena calidad de construcción.
- Gran diseño.
- Gran sonido.
- None at this price.
Pioneer SP-BS22-LR Andrew Jones Home Audio Bookshelf Loudspeakers (Set of 2)
Features and Specifications
These Pioneer speakers were designed by the legendary speaker designer, Mr. Andrew Jones. For those of you who don’t know, his prowess is such that he could make a great set of speakers out of a bread bin, tea towel, and used parts from an old toaster.
We’ve therefore got high hopes for the Pioneer SP-BS22-LR.
Let’s take a look at those specs first…
The Pioneer SP-BS22-LR Bookshelf Speakers measure a fairly compact 12 9/16″ x 7 1/8″ x 8 7/16″ and weigh just 9lbs 2ozs. The peak power is 80 watts per speaker, and they have a frequency response between 55Hz-20,000Hz.
The subwoofer is relatively small, measuring only 4”, and is paired with a 1” soft dome tweeter. The nominal impedance is 6 ohms, and they have a crossover frequency of 3,000Hz.
Since these are passive speakers, other than the mounting posts, there’s nothing else in the way of connections.
On the face of it, nothing extraordinary here, so let’s dig a little deeper.
Build and Sound Quality
These are positioned as a budget-priced bookshelf-speakers, and the quality is very typical of what you’d expect to find at this price. It’s MDF and black wood-stained finish all round. And unfortunately, there’s nothing interesting or aesthetically appealing in their design.
The grills, unbelievably, make matters worse. How is that even possible? Well, not only are they even uglier than the boring boxes, sorry, we mean cabinets, but they also impede audio quality. This is because the thick plastic used in the frame acts as a physical barrier to the soundwaves from the tweeter.
Best to leave the grills off and preferably just throw them away.
So far, this isn’t the start we’d hoped for, so let’s quickly move onto the sound.
OK, folks, there’s thankfully some good news here. The truth is, the Pioneer SP-BS22-LR Bookshelf Speakers are a bit of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. They look as exciting as a geography teacher’s tweed jacket but yet sing oh so sweetly.
So how do they do it?
There are a few things these speakers do to achieve such a great sound. Firstly, the speakers use a complex and outstanding 6 component crossover for the trebles, mids, and bass. It sounds super-smooth and is not something you’d typically expect to find in speakers at this kind of price. This all helps to create a helps to create well-balanced and accurate audio across at all frequencies.
Additionally, although the Pioneer SP-BS22-LR only has a 4” bass driver, it still is able to reach down to the lower bass notes. The lowest limit is officially stated as 55Hz. It may not be as punchy as speakers with larger drivers, but it’s impressive never the less.
These are great sounding speakers for the price.

- They have an excellent complex crossover system.
- Good audio quality and clarity at all volumes.
- Gran relación calidad-precio.
- The grills are useless.
- Unimaginative and boring cabinets.
Micca MB42 Bookshelf Speakers
Features and Specifications
The Micca PB42 are passive bookshelf speakers and should not be confused with the Micca PB42X, which are the active equivalent. Regardless they still measure the same 6.5” x 5.8” x 9.5”, though the Micca PB42s and weigh a featherweight 3lbs.
This makes the Micca MB42 both the smallest and the lightest speakers we’ve reviewed
The RMS is rated at 15 watts per speaker with a total peak power of 75 watts. This is all courtesy of a 4” carbon fiber woofer, and a 3/4” silk-dome tweeter, both mounted on a surround. They have a frequency response between 60Hz-20,000Hz with a sensitivity rating of 85dBs. Their impedance is rated between 4-8 ohms.
Sound and Build Quality
Considering their price point, we have absolutely no moans or niggles about their construction or use of materials. As you’d expect, they’re constructed from MDF and subsequently stained. They have detachable grills that look perfectly fine.
The truth is that the Micca PB42 speakers are small, and they undoubtedly look a little plain. However, despite their small and plain looks, they manage to deliver performance far beyond their size and cost.
The carbon fiber woofer helps to create a good lower range and bass response. This is further enhanced by a well-designed bass reflex port that neatly extends bass notes in the lower range and also helps to keep distortion down to a minimum.
Higher ranges are accurate, clear, and smooth…
What’s more, the crossover design also plays an important part in giving the speakers an open, dynamic, and balanced sound signature.
All in all, although the Micca PB42 speakers don’t have much in the way of volume, they do produce audio quality that is way higher than might be expected from such a tiny and inexpensive package.

- Excellent crossover between frequencies.
- Smooth and clear trebles.
- Asequible.
- Small size.
- Low volume.
Audioengine A2 Plus 60W Powered Desktop Speakers
Features and Specifications
And finally, on our search for the Best Speakers For Vinyl, we have these active pair of speakers from Audioengine. They measure 4” x 5.25” x 6” and weigh only 6.61lbs each. They have a total peak power of 60 watts, and the frequency range is between 65Hz to 22,000Hz.
The connections as well as the controls are on the rear of the speakers. They have an auxiliary input, headphones input, RCA inputs and outputs, dual analog audio inputs, and USB. Additionally, they have a control knob for the volume.
Interestingly what they don’t have is either Bluetooth connectivity or any form of EQ control. Given that these are not inexpensive speakers, we really feel they should have both. We would also have liked to see the headphone input on the front of the speaker and a remote control.
Still, you can’t have everything, let’s hope things are better with the build and sound.
Build and Sound Quality
The good news is that things are indeed a lot better here.
These are a beautifully well-made and stylish set of speakers. They’ll pass the WAF (Wife Approval Factor) test all day long. These are hand finished wood cabinets that have some high-quality materials under their skin.
A cut above the quality of most speakers at this price, they also come in a choice of three colors.
That should keep the wife happy!
The kevlar woofer, despite its small size, can deliver deep and tight bass. However, for anyone wanting to listen to predominantly bass-driven music, they are likely to be found somewhat wanting. There is, of course, the option of connecting an Audioline subwoofer.
The mids and trebles are crisp and clear, with excellent levels of refinement. There’s no doubt that overall these deliver superb well-balanced audio quality. However, they’re not the loudest of speakers and so are really more suited to near field listening or for use in a small room.

- Excellent sound quality.
- Well balanced.
- Well made and stylish cabinets.
- Caro.
- No Bluetooth.
- Bass a little thin.
Best Speakers For Vinyl Buyers Guide
The best speakers for vinyl we’ve reviewed are likely to cover the needs of all but the most serious audiophiles. So, once you’ve set your budget, you’re going to need to decide if you want to have active or passive speakers, plus what level of connectivity and power you’re likely to need.
Let’s look at the decision of passive against active speakers first.
Passive or Active?
This decision could very well come down to considerations of cost and convenience. Generally speaking, if you want a cheaper system, then a pair of active speakers is more likely to be a budget-friendly option. Active speakers also take up less space and take away the need for any more decision making. Basically, there’s having to decide what speakers to pair with what receiver.
If you choose to buy active speakers, the best pairing option of speakers to the receiver has already been taken for you. What’s more, since this match will have been carefully designed to work in tandem, it’s rarely a bad choice.
On the other hand, if you already have a receiver or possibly have a specific sound in mind, passive speakers are much more flexible in creating your own sound. Additionally, as your budget increases, and so you look at increasing levels of sophistication in your audio equipment, the audio quality invariably becomes higher than you’re likely to achieve with an active set-up at a similar price.
With the resurgence of vinyl, there are a lot of turntables that have Bluetooth capability. If you’ve recently bought one of these newer era turntables, then it’s going to follow that the best vinyl speakers for listening in this instance would have to have Bluetooth connectivity.
And let’s face it, Bluetooth connectivity is always useful since it can then be used with multiple electronic devices, rather than solely for use with vinyl.
In an event, any active speakers you buy are likely to have both RCA and standard speaker connections, which are both easy to set-up.
We’ve really only covered the needs of vinyl fans who are listening in small to medium-sized rooms. If you have a larger room, you absolutely need to get more powerful speakers than we’ve listed here.
Virtually all of the speakers we’ve reviewed have big brothers and sisters you can check out. All fully capable of shaking the room, emptying your pockets, and making your ears fall off. If you’re most concerned with near-field listening in a small room, we can’t think of a better pair of speakers than the Audioengine A2 speakers.
The most powerful speakers we’ve reviewed, and capable of comfortably filling a medium-sized room, would be the JBL Arena B15 Black Bookshelf &Surround Speaker.
So Many Speaker Options
There are a number of other superb speaker options for various specific tasks available at the moment. So, why not check out our reviews of the Best Powered Speakers, the Best Party Speakers, the Best In Ceiling Speakers, the Best Wireless Outdoor Speakers, the Best Speaker Docks, the Best In Wall Speakers, and the Best Studio Monitor Speakers on the market.
So, what are the Best Speakers For Vinyl?
So, there you have it.
We think you’ll all agree that there’s something genuinely magical and special about vinyl. We’re so happy to see it live on, and long may it continue.
Before we go, we want to leave you with our top pick across all budgets and sizes of speakers. The speaker we feel offers the best overall quality was the…
Polk Audio T15
This is an inexpensive speaker that was beautifully designed, was well made, had plenty of volume and great audio quality. In fact, it was so good, at the price, we couldn’t really find fault.
Enjoy your vinyl, and Happy listening!
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