Cómo construir un sistema de competencia de audio para autos

Para muchos entusiastas del audio para automóviles, no hay nada como saber que tiene un sistema de estudio de clase mundial. Tener un buen audio en tu coche es una de las grandes alegrías de la vida . Sin embargo, ¿qué sucede si desea comparar su sistema con otros sistemas de clase mundial en una competencia? Esto es cómo construir un sistema de competición de audio para coche .

Como regla general, para construir un sistema de audio para automóvil ganador, elija una liga y una clase para competir, lea las reglas de esa competencia y construya su sistema en consecuencia. Las competiciones de car audio están a cargo de asociaciones que establecen las reglas para las competiciones específicas.

Hay muchas reglas a seguir en las competiciones, ligas e incluso clases de sistemas de audio para automóviles.

El desafío es feroz y hay mucho que aprender, pero profundicemos en lo que se necesita para construir un sistema de competencia de audio para automóviles .

¿Cuáles son las asociaciones Car Audio?

Estas organizaciones son la columna vertebral del mundo de la competencia en audio para automóviles, y sin ellas, no habría competencia. Ellos establecen las reglas y los parámetros, y para que su sistema gane en una competencia, deberá construirlo según sus especificaciones. .

El primer paso para competir por el audio para automóviles y construir un sistema de competencia de audio para automóviles es observar las organizaciones de competencia de audio para automóviles. .

Asociaciones internacionales de audio para automóviles

Hay tres asociaciones líderes de competencia de audio para automóviles que organizan competencias internacionales. Estas competencias están abiertas a cualquiera que pueda asistir al evento y cuentan con ligas internacionales que compiten por títulos mundiales y récords mundiales.

Estas tres asociaciones son IASCA , USACi y dB Drag Racing Association .

IASCA:Asociación Internacional de Desafío de Sonido de Automóviles

Esta es la asociación de competencia de audio para automóviles más grande y antigua, y organiza sus eventos en todo el mundo. Tienen su sede en los EE. UU., pero sus competencias internacionales establecen el estándar para los sistemas de audio para automóviles en todo el mundo .

IASCA realiza competencias en SPL (nivel de presión de sonido) y SQ (calidad de sonido) competiciones a nivel internacional.

USACi:Concurso Internacional de Audiosonido de los Estados Unidos

Esta asociación es la segunda más grande a nivel mundial. Comenzaron en los estados como USAC pero ahora realizan competencias internacionales bajo USACi.

USACi ofrece a los competidores la oportunidad de competir en las ligas internacionales SPL y SQ .

Asociación de Drag Racing de dB

A También conocido como “dB Drag,” esta organización internacional es más pequeña que IASCA y USACi, pero brindan una experiencia de competencia única.

dB Drag solo ofrece competiciones en la categoría SPL , pero brindan múltiples competencias y clases para que la competencia sea divertida e interesante en esta categoría.

Asociados de automóviles con sede en los EE. UU.

Hay dos asociaciones principales de competencia de audio para automóviles que vale la pena mencionar, aunque solo con base exclusivamente en los EE. UU. .

Estas dos asociaciones son MECA y Medio Oeste SPL .

MECA:Asociación de Competidores de Electrónica Móvil

Esta es una asociación más pequeña en comparación con las organizaciones internacionales. Sin embargo, vale la pena mencionarlos porque ofrecen ligas de competencia SPL y SQ con múltiples tipos de competencia, creados para hacer que las competencias sean lo más divertidas y emocionantes posible.

Medio Oeste SPL

Esta asociación de competencia de audio para automóviles tiene su sede únicamente en el medio oeste de los Estados Unidos y ofrece competencias SPL únicamente. .

Es una asociación pequeña, pero Midwest SPL es una organización excelente para vigilar, ya que está haciendo grandes cosas para la comunidad de competencia de audio para automóviles. .

¿Cuáles son los formatos de competencia de Car Audio?

Las competencias de audio para automóviles generalmente se componen de dos formatos amplios de competencia:SQ y SPL .

SQ significa Calidad de sonido y SPL significa Nivel de presión de sonido .

Estos formatos de competencia tienen múltiples subcategorías o clases , todo diseñado explícitamente con la estructura general en mente.

Los formatos SQ se centran en la calidad , mientras que los formatos SPL se centran en sonoridad pura .

SQ:formatos de calidad de sonido

Los formatos de calidad de sonido suelen ser concursos que prueban la calidad del sistema de audio de un automóvil. En el pasado, estos concursos se centraban inicialmente en la calidad del sistema de sonido, pero los competidores modernos tienen múltiples subcategorías. , todo basado en la calidad del sistema de audio.

Algunas de las subcategorías que se encuentran en el formato de competencia SQ son las competencias típicas de calidad de sonido y las competencias que buscan la calidad de la instalación de un sistema de audio para automóvil. .

Hay competencias en SQ que prueban la afinación del sistema y su capacidad para alcanzar altos niveles de decibelios sin dejar de ser claro y alcanzando todas las frecuencias del espectro de audio y pruebe la gama completa de sonido de un sistema con música en lugar de solo tonos de prueba.

SQ también incluye concursos para determinar el mejor sistema de audio en general audio en el automóvil, basado en SPL y SQ, y otros factores como la calidad de construcción, la afinación y otros factores que intervienen en los excelentes sistemas de audio para automóviles.

SPL – Sound Pressure Level Formats

SPL formats are focussed primarily on the performance of a car audio system, with a special interest in sound pressure level, which is how loud an audio system is .

The simple formats of these competitions determine which system can reach the highest decibel reading, while others are more complicated .

The more advanced versions of the SPL competition format involve such competitions as face-off type challenges where competitors are put up against one another to determine the best performing audio competition system .

Other SPL formats are broader and are open to multiple classes of systems ranging from amateur classes to ultimate classes for world-class systems . The rules are simple, play music or test tones through the audio system, and ht highest decibel reading wins.

What Are the Car Audio Competition Classes?

Car audio competitions are divided into the SPL and SQ competition formats with multiple categories and competition types in each format. Still, there is another level to car audio competition that goes further than format or category.

This complicated structure deeper level of competition in the car audio competition classes .

A class is a bracket that a particular competition audio system will compete in based on specific parameters and specifications of the system.

The classes separate the various competitors into leagues that make the competition fair , ensuring that audio systems are judged fairly based on other systems of the same type, power, price range, and modification.

The classes separate the amateurs from the professionals and make it so that there are various levels of competition, making car audio competitions accessible for everyone .

Some of the competition classes in the SQ formal are:

  • Stock Class
  • Street Class
  • Modified Street Class
  • Modified Class
  • Modex Class
  • Extreme Class
  • and Master Class

Each class has its own restrictions, rules, and specifications , and those competing in each category have to follow the directions explicitly or risk disqualification.

The judges of the competition decide on the competition class that an audio system competes in.

The SPL competition format is divided into classes, but the class divisions in this format are decided by the complexity and potential of a specific system.

This is known as the “Pressure Class” method and separates systems by collective woofer cone surface area measurements and sub amplifier power.

What Are Key Components for the Competition Car Audio Systems?

Car audio competition systems are comprised of many various components and features that make them competition-worthy .

There are plenty of competitions, competition formats, competition classes , and various competitive leagues to compete in, but they have something in common:the audio system.

It may sound simple that you need an audio system to compete in a car audio competition, but there are some fundamentals of a car audio system often left out or overlooked by many beginner competitors.

This is why it is vital to understand the critical component of any car audio system, especially the ones intended for competition , and not forget any of them when building a competition system.

Competition Speakers

The first key component of a competition-winning car audio system is speakers . The speakers in the system are the core of how well the system performs. Without a good set of car audio speakers, the rest of the system is useless.

An excellent feature to look out for in competition-grade speakers is a high RMS rating. RMS means “Root, Mean, Square,” which is a measurement that indicates the level of regular power that a speaker can handle according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

A high RMS rating will mean a better performing and overall consistent speaker . The speakers should be component speakers to get the most out of the system.

Add to a good set of component speakers with a high RMS rating a good subwoofer , regardless of the type of competition your system is competing in.

Competition Amplifier

An amplifier is vital for a system like this as well, or there will be no clean source of power to drive the speakers and sub-woofer. So a good amp is crucial and can mean the difference between winning and losing in a competition , especially in an SPL competition.

Competition Crossovers

A crossover system is important as well, as it will correctly send the audio signal to the speakers that should output them.

These are the critical components of a car audio system, specially built for competing for in-car audio competitions.

Can I Use an Existing Car Audio System for a Competition?

The world of car audio competitions is far more forgiving than many realize.

Some competition leagues are for high-end systems or extreme car audio systems that do not even resemble cars anymore, but they’re also some leagues open to all competitors, even for stock systems .

This means that you can use the audio system that is already installed in your car , whether it has been used for previous competitions or if it simply the system that came with the case when you caught it.

That being said, there are considerations to make when entering an existing system into a car audio competition.

Keep in mind that if you are using an existing upgraded system , and if you have not done any upgrades since the last competition, but the other competitors have upgraded theirs, yours may have fallen behind and may not be competitive anymore.

You may even mind yourself in a lower competition class than last year.

Something else to consider is that the stock class in any car audio competition is one of the most challenging competitions to compete in because it is subject to the most rules and regulations of any car audio system competition.

This is because these systems must be kept entirely stock, without any modifications or any other upgrades whatsoever . The system must also be in perfect condition and well maintained.

At the end of it, you can use an existing audio system for a car audio competition , but remember that the competition is tough!

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Competition Car Audio System?

Competiton car audio systems can cost anywhere from $400 to many thousands of Dollars . Some competition systems have cost as much as $330 000 on the high end of the scale.

A car audio system for a competition can be very costly, or it can be very affordable. It all depends on the format, league, and class of competition that you are competing in.

The master class competitions require systems that cost huge amounts of money just to be competitive. In contrast, the amateur classes can be entered by anyone with any form of upgrades to their car audio system.

The most expensive competition classes include the mater class, the extreme class, and the modified class. These classes are the most outrageous and require the most high-end systems.

The competitions that can be entered with affordable systems are the amateur, stock, and modified stock classes. These competitions are very accessible, even for first-time competitors .

How to Prepare for the First Car Audio Competition?

When competing for the first time in a car audio competition, there are a few things to keep in mind when preparing to compete:

Choose a competition

Choosing a format, league, and class to compete in is vital. This will help you build your audio system to win in that class, rather than arriving at the event and being bumped into a different class that you were not prepared for based on the size of your subwoofer housing.

Read the Rules

This is incredibly important. Without knowing the rules of your competition or class, you may be disqualified before you even begin.

Prepare Your System

Be sure that your system is set up correctly for competition by using meters to measure the output of your system and fine-tuning it to the perfect performance for the competition that you intend to compete in.

Have Emergency Equipment

Remember to have a piece of emergency equipment during the competition. These include a battery charger, an SPL meter, electrical tape, wire cutters, touch-up paint, soldering iron.

Even an extra speaker or two can prevent disaster on competition day and help you deal with unforeseen circumstances.

Speak to the Judges

If you can, when preparing for a competition, find and speak to a judge or former judge of car audio competitions. They will provide you with inside expertise on how to win in your specific competition format and class.

What to Improve for the Next Car Audio Competition

The best way to improve for the next competition is to learn from your mistakes and learn from your fellow competitors .

Car audio is a comprehensive platform of competition , there are so many aspects to it, and it is easy to become lost or not know where you may be going wrong.

Speaking to those around you for advice and taking careful note of circumstances that occur during a competition can be the push you need to win your next event!


To build a car audio competition system, it is crucial to understand the associations and organizations that put the events together and set the rules and which competition to take part in.

Once you understand the associations and their rules, you can choose a competition to compete in based on your budget and the system you already have in your car.

After that, design your audio system to compete in your chosen event and built it to win!

Choose the right system components based on your competition rules and do your best to put together a competitive system .

You do not need to have a huge budget to build a winning system, but a bigger budget does increase your chances of winning .

The most crucial aspect of this endeavor is to enjoy the process. So enjoy designing and building your competition car audio system, and enjoy the competition itself, and you will keep coming back for more!

