Cómo bloquear o cegar las cámaras de seguridad
¿Tu vecino apunta con sus cámaras de seguridad CCTV en tu patio o casa? ¿Cómo puede bloquear o cegar las cámaras de seguridad para que no vean su propiedad? ¿Cuáles son los métodos más efectivos para interrumpir las cámaras de seguridad?
En este artículo, enumeraremos y explicaremos algunos métodos prácticos sobre cómo cegar o bloquear las cámaras de seguridad. El cegamiento hace que las cámaras funcionen mal y no podrán grabar en absoluto o la calidad de la imagen será inútil.
Cómo bloquear las cámaras de seguridad
Antes de comenzar, sepa una cosa importante:no es la cámara de seguridad la que lo observa o lo monitorea. Esas son solo máquinas sin cerebro. Es el dueño de la cámara quien te está espiando a ti y a tu propiedad.
Comprenda la diferencia, no está tratando de cegar o bloquear una cámara de seguridad, cegará al propietario de ese sistema de seguridad. Aquí te mostraremos cómo lo haces y, por supuesto, de forma totalmente legal.
Instala cámaras de seguridad en tu propiedad/casa
No hay mejor manera de bloquear las cámaras de seguridad (espionaje) de su vecino que darles el mismo medicamento:coloque cámaras de seguridad en su propiedad también. Tener un sistema de cámaras de seguridad le permitirá monitorear todo lo que sucede en su propiedad y al mismo tiempo mantener a raya al vecino.
Hay muchos tipos de cámaras que puede instalar, como cámaras de lente fija de alta resolución, cámaras varifocales con capacidades de zoom o incluso puede montar una fuerte cámara de seguridad PTZ .
Puede colocar la cámara PTZ lo suficientemente alta y usar sus capacidades de movimiento horizontal/vertical/zoom para mantener a su vecino bajo control. La parte hermosa de las cámaras PTZ es que las personas no pueden saber hacia dónde apuntan las cámaras o qué tan lejos pueden ver (¡hay cámaras que pueden hacer zoom 40 veces!).
Si opta por un sistema de cámaras de seguridad CCTV, asegúrese de comprar un sistema que sea confiable y proporcione una calidad de imagen aceptable. Elija siempre cámaras de alta resolución con la capacidad de ver de noche (LED IR integrados). Investigue el mercado comprando cualquier cosa para asegurarse de obtener el equipo adecuado para su propiedad.
Esta contramedida ha demostrado ser extremadamente efectiva para interrumpir el sistema de cámaras de seguridad de su vecino. Muchas personas que prueban este método informan que una vez que las cámaras están encendidas, los vecinos que invaden la privacidad retrocederán y se ocuparán de sus propios asuntos. O al menos piénsalo dos veces.
Descubre si las cámaras de seguridad son falsas
¿Qué pasa si las cámaras de seguridad que instaló tu vecino no son reales? Muchas personas instalan cámaras falsas que no funcionan o no graban como táctica disuasoria.
Entonces, antes de tomarse la molestia de cegar o bloquear las cámaras de seguridad de su vecino, asegúrese de que sean reales. Hoy en día no cuesta demasiado comprar cámaras falsas en Amazon.
Hay muchas maneras de saber si una cámara de seguridad es falsa. Por ejemplo, la mayoría de las cámaras son de visión nocturna, por lo que cuando está oscuro debería poder ver las luces LED IR alrededor del ojo de la cámara (se ven rojas). Si no sale luz, lo más probable es que las cámaras sean falsas o no funcionen de noche.
Además, verifique el cableado, la mayoría de las cámaras falsas no tienen cables que salgan. Another easy way is to take a picture of the camera, go to google and search for fake cameras, maybe you can find the same camera model online being sold as a fake camera.
Ask your neighbor to re-position the security cameras
The most effective method to blind your neighbor’s security camera system is by talking to him. Many people are not even aware that their cameras are aiming at your windows or your property or may even think that you don’t mind.
Simply approach your neighbor and let him know about your concerns, that you think some of his security cameras are invading your primary, or that your family doesn’t feel comfortable.
Ask them politely and respectfully and most of the time people cooperate. Let him reposition the security cameras in a way that doesn’t point at your house. So, before going into blinding and jamming of security cameras, have an open conversation with your neighbor.
Plant trees or tall shrubs to block off the security cameras
You can plant a group of shrubs or tall trees to disrupt the view where the security cameras are pointed at. This is a great technique to blind the cameras and the neighbor can’t do anything about it.
Also, you can install high privacy fences around the perimeter of your property and no security camera can spy on you. Or install thick curtains on your windows.
Basically, you can use anything that will create a physical barrier and disable the security system of your neighbor. There’s no way for him to complain since you do whatever you want on your property.
Use LED lights

This strategy will only work if you are precise and quick. You need powerful lights to do it successfully. Also, this trick only works in enclosed spaces or at night. You need to know the exact location of the security camera.
Then you need to point the LED lights to the camera’s lens. If you are successful in doing this technique, no one watching the video clip will recognize you. However, that person will know that someone is out there blinding the surveillance camera.
You must be able to hold the light steady because if the light beams drop from the lens, anyone watching the video will recognize you because your face will be visible. You can also put infrared LEDs on your clothing, hat, or headband. Another strategy is to wear an IR LED mask.
However, ensure that the lights are bright enough to cover your face without blinding you. Note:we don’t recommend this method, it’s illegal you may get involved in much more trouble.
Use an infrared laser pointer

Aside from LED lights, you can also use an infrared laser that points to the security camera lens directly. This strategy is less harsh than the first technique.
However, it requires more precision than the previous approach because the security cameras will capture the face of the laser pointer strays away from it even for a moment.
Unlike the first strategy, using the infrared laser works nighttime or daytime. Also, this approach only works if there is only one security camera (if more than one camera, you’ll be caught by the rest of them). Same as before, we don’t recommend this method, you may get in legal trouble (and possibly damage/destroy the camera altogether).
Cover the camera lens (such as spraying it)
Smear jelly onto the lens. Rub Vaseline, petroleum jelly, or another viscous substance onto the lens of the camera to make the picture come out blurry.
In a pinch, try using sticky-but-spreadable foodstuffs like butter, jam, and peanut butter. Be careful to coat the entire surface of the lens. Make sure that you aren’t caught on camera as you approach the recording device.
This approach is the least practical because the motion detection neighbor security cameras will capture your image sensor even before you can cover its lens. We don’t recommend this method, you may be involved in any illegal activity.
Cut the wires
This method works if the neighbor is using a wired security system. You can cut the cables going to the camera (either the power cable or the data cable) and disable the camera.
Moreover, it’s gonna be very costly to replace a broken wire. However, be careful because this method is illegal and you may get into trouble.
Use a security camera jammer
A camera jammer has various sizes. But, if you are wondering how it looks, it is like a TV remote control. A discrete and handy device can disrupt signals and security camera recordings. Some models have GPS tracking and cell phone call blocker.
You can bring it wherever you go because you can put it in your bag or pocket. The camera jammer will disrupt signals, and you can go on with your activities in full privacy.
However, you must first determine the broadcast frequency of the surveillance cameras so you can purchase the right equipment to disrupt it. Not recommended, you’re basically inviting legal trouble in.
Check with a lawyer or the police
If for some reason the neighbor doesn’t want to cooperate or doesn’t agree to change the position of the security cameras, then it’s better to ask advice from a lawyer or even the police.
Especially if the neighbor is being extremely inappropriate such as engaging in voyeurism. If the security camera of your neighbor is able to see inside your home and the footage is used as harassment or coercion, you have the basis to sue for invasion of privacy.
Another suggestion is to ask for help from mediators, such as leaders in the local community. They can reach out to the unreasonable neighbor and try to talk sense into him. It may work, especially if you live in a small community.
FAQs about blinding or jamming security cameras
Is it legal for your neighbor to point security cameras at your house?
The legality of your neighbor’s security camera depends on the specific local law and whether the cameras are pointing at an area where privacy is expected.
If the security cameras of your neighbor capture only a part of the house, or the cameras are not purposely aiming at your windows or house, then it’s very difficult to file a complaint against your neighbor.
However, if the security camera aims at spots where you can expect privacy, places such as your bedrooms or bathrooms, then you have ground against your neighbor. Consult with a lawyer if you have a case.
Can a laser pointer damage a security camera?
It is possible but most standard laser pointers won’t have sufficient power to damage the sensor of a security camera; and while a more powerful pointer is more likely to be able to cause sensor damage, it has to be aimed extremely accurately and steadily, during which time the person so pointing is captured by the camera.
Moreover, there is no way for the person pointing the laser to tell whether or not damage has occurred and the reflection of the camera can damage the eyes.
High-level lasers not accessible to the average person, such as those used in medical equipment or for laser light shows, are able to affect a camera sensor with greater ease.
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