Revisión de los 8 mejores soportes de micrófono Blue Yeti que deberías comprar en 2022
El aumento en el poder de cómputo trajo nuevas oportunidades, tanto personales como comerciales. Pero había una cosa importante que faltaba. La capacidad de poder conectar un micrófono directamente a una computadora portátil o computadora sin usar una interfaz. Sin embargo, la creación del micrófono USB resolvió ese problema.
Son dispositivos plug-and-play, y por tanto, muy fáciles de usar. Asimismo, son convenientes y abren un mundo completamente nuevo para entrevistas, podcasts, etc.
Avances tecnológicos
No hay duda de que son un emocionante paso adelante para ciertos entornos. Pero ciertamente no son para todos ni para todos los usos. Sin embargo, tienen mucho que ofrecer en algunas situaciones, especialmente para aquellos que desean una opción plug-and-play.
Pero, es justo decir que no han causado mucha impresión en el segmento alto del mercado. Es poco probable que los encuentre en estudios de grabación. La calidad tiene algo que ver con eso, por supuesto. El tiempo dirá si las empresas alguna vez producen micrófonos USB para competir con los micrófonos para voces de Neumann, Sennheiser o AKG.
El yeti azul
Uno de los mejores micrófonos USB disponibles es el Blue Yeti. Fabricados por Blue, son una de varias opciones USB que produce la empresa. También es uno de los más populares. Para grabar voces en off, podcasts y entrevistas, hace un muy buen trabajo.
No hay quejas sobre su construcción. Es un micrófono bien hecho y bastante resistente y estable. Es elegante, y se ve bien. Sin embargo, si tiene una debilidad, es el soporte.
El soporte en sí también es bastante estable y, en algunos casos, una ventaja. Pero puede tener un efecto negativo en la grabación. Con eso en mente, preparé esta revisión de los mejores soportes de micrófono Blue Yeti actualmente en el mercado.
¿Un soporte alternativo?
Muchas personas parecen estar de acuerdo en que es mejor usar un soporte de micrófono alternativo en lugar de lo que se suministra. Sin embargo, me gustaría hacer esta observación.
La rosca de The Blue Yeti para el montaje es de ⅝; por lo tanto, deberá encontrar un soporte con ese hilo. Alternativamente, un soporte que tenga un adaptador. Sobre esa base, echemos un vistazo a los mejores soportes para tu micrófono Blue Yeti .
Los 8 mejores soportes de micrófono Blue Yeti para todos los presupuestos en 2022 Reseñas
- RODE PSA 1 Brazo articulado de micrófono de estudio con montaje giratorio:el soporte de micrófono Blue Yeti más duradero
- Soporte de brazo para micrófono InnoGear:la arena de micrófono Blue Yeti más ajustable
- Soporte de brazo articulado para micrófono DISINO Soporte de micrófono con resorte resistente:el mejor soporte de micrófono Yeti azul resistente
- Soporte de micrófono Iksee Studio Arm:el mejor soporte de micrófono básico Blue Yeti
- Auge de suspensión de micrófono ajustable East Shining:el mejor soporte de micrófono Yeti azul económico
- Soporte de micrófono de base corta ponderada Gator Frameworks:la mejor relación calidad-precio Soporte de micrófono Blue Yeti
- Heil Sound PL-2T Overhead Broadcast Boom:el mejor soporte de micrófono Blue Yeti equilibrado
- Blue Compass Premium Tube-Style Broadcast Boom Arm:el mejor soporte de micrófono con brazo de boom Blue Yeti
RODE PSA 1 Soporte giratorio para micrófono de estudio:el soporte para micrófono Blue Yeti más duradero
Este es un soporte de micrófono de la compañía australiana Rode. Son bien conocidos por fabricar micrófonos y accesorios de calidad. Pero igual de importante, fabrican productos resistentes y resistentes. Un factor importante para un pie de micrófono. El PSA1 es uno de los soportes de micrófono más populares para Blue Yeti usuarios.
La construcción
Es resistente y bien construido con un diseño totalmente metálico. El Blue Yeti pesa poco más de una libra, y este soporte puede soportar hasta dos libras y media. Eso es más que suficiente para el micrófono, el filtro pop y un amortiguador.
Ha sido diseñado para manejar el peso del micrófono más pesado. Se suministra con un adaptador para convertir el tamaño de la rosca de ⅜ a ⅝ para que el accesorio sea compatible. Esto lo convierte en uno de los soportes de micrófono Blue Yeti más compatibles alrededor.
Opciones de montaje
Hay dos opciones de montaje, la abrazadera de escritorio y la instalación de inserción de escritorio. El soporte de escritorio le permitirá conectarlo a escritorios de hasta 55 mm de grosor. Sin embargo, el inserto de escritorio te ofrece un poco más con un grosor de 70 mm. La montura tiene un diseño de doble eje. Esto tiene un giro y hace que sea fácil de asegurar y colocar el soporte en un lugar conveniente.
Un buen alcance
Le permitirá un montón de distancia en su alcance. Hasta 33 pulgadas de alto y 32 pulgadas en horizontal. Y se mantendrá estable con un micrófono conectado en esos extremos. Es flexible y rotará 360 grados. Se incluyen envolturas de cable de velcro para que pueda mantener el cable del micrófono seguro y fuera del camino.
Cambios de posición
Para cambiar la posición del brazo de la pluma, está diseñado con un mecanismo de resorte de alta resistencia. Esto lo hace seguro si cambia la posición del brazo, y permanecerá donde lo desee. No se verá afectado por el peso del micrófono.
Un buen soporte de micrófono de apoyo que está hecho de buenos materiales y debe ser considerado como uno de los mejores soportes de micrófono Blue Yeti.

- Bien hecho con buenos materiales.
- Buen alcance y capacidad de carga.
- Los cables no tienen un canal para asegurarlos con bridas de velcro.
Soporte de brazo para micrófono InnoGear:la arena de micrófono Blue Yeti más ajustable
InnoGear es una empresa que vende una amplia variedad de productos. Por lo tanto, no puede referirse a ellos como "especialistas en soportes de micrófono". I am not sure where this mic stand comes from or who designed and built it, from their website that seems to be a closely guarded secret. Having said that, it is a decent product and worth including.
Specially designed for Blue mics
This is a mic stand that will operate with many of the Blue USB range. Including the Snowball, the Yeti, and the Yeti Nano. It has a very stable build being an all-metal construction with steel tubed arms that are half an inch thick. That gives it a high load-bearing capacity of up to four and a half pounds.
There is a spring-balanced system built-in to give you plenty of secure movement for getting the right position. The cabling is hidden inside the arm and not exposed to view. It is supplied with an ⅝-inch thread connector for fitting the mic.
The Boom Arm
Good adjustments and reach. Horizontally it will give you up to thirty-eight inches. And vertically up to thirty-three and a half inches. The arms will support the weight of a Blue Yeti mic when at full reach. The boom arm is foldable for storage when not in use. There is a swivel action for adjusting the mic position. But there is no locking facility to keep it in a set position.
The Clamps
There are two mounting options. There is a typical desk clamp as well as a desk-insert attachment. Unclipping the mic from your desk is easy. It will attach to all desks that have a lip of over two inches. All this adds up to it being one of the best desk mounted BlueYeti microphone stands puedes comprar.

- Good quality all-metal build.
- Plenty of adjustment options at a cost-effective price.
- The swivel on the boom arm doesn’t lock.
DISINO Microphone Boom Arm Stand Heavy Duty Spring Mic Stand – Best Heavy Duty Blue Yeti Microphone Stand
This is a mic stand with a very heavy-duty look about it. I wouldn’t say it was the most visually appealing in some parts of its design, but it certainly does the job.
La construcción
It is built with a steel tube frame with springs enclosed internally, which gives it a nice stylish look. It is strong and is not going to bend easily. Although you should ensure that all tightening controls are loosened before adjusting them.
Whilst the design of the boom arms is attractive; the clamp is a different thing altogether. It has a “vintage” woodworking G-clamp look, with what seems like an antiquated locking control.
The look seems to contradict the rather stylish steel tubes above it. Nevertheless, it does its job and offers a secure fit. The scissor arm design is fully adjustable and is sprayed using an electrostatic powder. This helps to make it anti-rust.
The Load
It can hold an impressive five pounds in weight. As a result, it’s one of the strongest Blue Yeti microphone stands tu puedes comprar. It is fitted with a standard ⅝” thread, so there is no need for an adapter. Two scissor tube arms will extend to about twenty-eight inches. These can be folded away after use.
The Mount
It has clamps that will fit desks up to three inches in depth. The clamp itself has rubber fittings to ensure it doesn’t scratch the desk. The fitting allows the boom arm to be swiveled if necessary. The movement when clamped to the desk is smooth and stable.
A Budget option
Although the price point intimates that this is a budget range product, it is well-made and very secure. It may not have the length and reach of some stands, but it is one of the most secure Blue Yeti microphone stands disponible.

- Well-made with good materials at an attractive price point.
- Safe and secure fit holding up to five pounds in weight.
- Some may need a longer reach.
Iksee Studio Arm Microphone Stand – Best Basic Blue Yeti Microphone Stand
This is a basic mic stand with a boom arm that will work with various microphone models. It is a little limited in that it will only operate with microphones that weigh up to 2.86 pounds. That will rule out some but includes the Blue Yeti. On the other hand, it does make this one of the best lightweight Blue Yeti microphone stands disponible.
La construcción
This stand has quite a sturdy all-metal build with its steel frame and iron base. It has a simple design with an internal spring. This allows some adjustments to the position of the mic, either up or down. It also has a 360-degree rotation. The arm is adjustable, so it can be folded away after use. It has a decent amount of reach while retaining its balance.
The Clamp
It can accommodate desktops that are up to 2.2 inches in depth. It is easy to adjust, but in my view, it doesn’t have the most secure fitting. The base plate of the clamp is quite small, and the knob for tightening the clamp is very basic.
It certainly appears that you might struggle to get a decent amount of pressure to hold a mic in some positions. It does take a reasonable weight of mic for this stand to function correctly. If the mic is very light, it does not apply enough weight for operation.
Some extras
You are supplied with a threaded screw for connecting the Blue Yeti and two foam covers for the mics.

- Basic boom arm stand with an all-metal build.
- Adjustable arm with 360-degree rotation.
- The clamp is a little vulnerable.
East Shining Adjustable Microphone Suspension Boom – Best Budget Blue Yeti Microphone Stand
If you are looking for a budget boom stand for your Blue Yeti, then this from East Shining might be an option.
La construcción
This might not be the most aesthetically pleasing stand you will find, but it certainly does the job. It has dual suspension springs placed on each of the boom arms. These act to protect the mic from any unwanted movements or shaking but also increases the mic’s stability. It can support loads of up to four and a half pounds, so it will cope easily with the Blue Yeti.
It is made from Zinc Alloy and has a steel frame. Therefore, the build is strong and sturdy. It has been given an electrostatic powder-sprayed finish. This makes it anti-rust and will ensure it stays in decent condition. The boom arms are lightweight and fully adjustable and can be folded away easily after use.
The Clamp
It has a simple table mounting clamp with a screw tightener. It is easily fitted to a tabletop that has a depth of up to 2.15 inches. The clamp has a lining of a soft sponge material where it makes contact with the table. This is just to protect it from possible scratching. For added protection, there is also a rubber washer.
The Reach
With the two legs combined, it can reach up to twenty-seven and a half inches. It will therefore be able to fit easily into most environments and allow you to get mic angles correct. It comes with an instruction booklet, a plastic clip mic holder, and a ⅝” brass adapter to fit the thread of the Yeti.
A word of caution
You do need to be careful when opening the package this stand will be delivered in. The arms are held together with a simple band. When it is broken, the arms will spring out very forcibly. Best not to have your fingers inside the package when they do.

- Quite well-built beats basic stand with a decent reach.
- Cost-effective option.
- Some will need a stand with a bit more visual style.
Gator Frameworks Short Weighted Base Microphone Stand – Best Value for the Money Blue Yeti Microphone Stand
Now we move away from the boom arm design to a short stand with a compact base. This has a maximum height of just 23 inches, with a boom arm measuring 16 inches.
La construcción
The base is quite compact at 4.5″ by 8″ and is made of heavy-duty steel. This will provide it with stability and good balance, so it will not get knocked over easily. Because of its low stature, it offers up the potential for other uses than as a desk mic stand. We will look at that later.
To prevent any rumbling noise that may occur between the base and the desk, it has a non-slip vibration gasket. Another plus point is the integrated cable management. Thus keeping unwanted cables out of the way.
Compact arm extension
For adjusting the position of the short arm, there are some soft rubber knobs. This makes them easier to grip and turn. That feature is not often included but is a nice touch. It takes just a quarter turn to be able to make those adjustments.
At its full extension, the stand is balanced and stable. And even though the Yeti weighs just over one pound, the stand will not topple over. Some people prefer single-section boom arms as they are easier to adjust. That certainly is the case with this stand.
What other uses?
I mentioned earlier that it might have other uses. It occurs to me that this is a good stand for placing on a desk and using your mic with your computer. But it also has other possibilities.
How about a mic in a home or small recording studio for placing in front of a kick drum? Or for micing up an amp? It is stable and holds a decent weight, and is a good height. As a result, this is one of the most versatile Blue Yeti microphone stands en el mercado.
Set at a very attractive price point, this has to be considered as one of the best Best Blue Yeti Microphone Stands.

- Well-built stable mic stand at a great price point.
- Offers a variety of uses.
- Some will prefer a full-size boom.
Heil Sound PL-2T Overhead Broadcast Boom – Best Balanced Blue Yeti Microphone Stand
Back to the boom design for this stand from Heil Sound. They are a company based in Illinois and were established in 1966 by Bob Heil. They also manufacture microphones and other accessories, so they ought to know what makes a good stand.
Well laid-out design
They have gone for a simple, uncluttered, but functional design. One of the features is that any cabling for the mic is hidden away. This puts it out of sight, of course, but also prevents any unfortunate accidents. They also make sure the springs are all hidden away internally. That is a feature that many prefer.
La construcción
A strong all-metal build ensures it is stable, and the springs we have mentioned offer a perfect balance. The design features removable plates on the top and the back. This allows you to thread through the mic cable.
It can handle a weight load of up to three and a half pounds. Holding the Blue Yeti stable and in a fixed position is not then a problem. It will take a ⅝” thread.
The Clamp
There is a standard C-clamp mounting system, which may be considered its weak point. The clamp is not part of the stand itself and is included as an extra. And while the stand will hold the mic securely, it is only as secure as the connection to the table or surface.
The clamp will attach the stand to a table, but it does not feel as secure as some. Furthermore, the clamp has no padding, so it could scratch any surface to which it is attached. You can insert your own padding, but then the clamp tends to move around on the surface.
Not the cheapest around, and we remain unconvinced about the fitting. The boom arm is nicely designed and works well. The same cannot be said for the clamp.

- Nicely designed with good materials.
- Cabling and spring systems are hidden away out of sight.
- The clamping system is inefficient and can mark your desk.
Blue Compass Premium Tube-Style Broadcast Boom Arm – Best Blue Yeti Boom Arm Microphone Stand
Who should know what is required to make a great stand for the Yeti? You would think it would be the company that made it. This is Blue’s first attempt at a mic stand.
La construcción
It features a strong and stable tube-style design made from aluminum. This allows the springs and the cabling to be kept safely out of the way and out of sight. Cable management is important with mics that are used in enclosed spaces. It is easy to trip over a cable and send the mic crashing to the floor.
Needless to say, it is designed to hold the weight of the Yeti. It will hold any mic up to 2.4 pounds in weight.
Further design features
It allows you to complete a 360-degree rotation and a fully adjustable boom. You can therefore get the positioning exactly how you want it.
The friction hinges tighten by hand and give you a quiet and smooth operation. It is compatible with all the standard shock mount fittings.
They have used a C-clamp system. Once again, if there is a weak point, it is the clamping system. It is a little bit insecure and could damage the surface you attach it to.
This stand comes with a twenty-foot XLR cable and a pop filter. Both are more than useful additions. Furthermore, it is one of the most affordable Blue Yeti microphone stands en el mercado.

- Good build quality with plenty of adjustments and 360-degree rotation.
- Cabling and Springs are hidden in the arms.
- Clamping is not as secure as it might be.
Best Blue Yeti Microphone Stands Buying Guide
Although often overlooked, the stand is an important piece of equipment for a microphone. An inefficient stand can have several effects that are not what you need when trying to get a decent recording.
Everyone’s requirements will differ slightly. So, the first thing you need to do is decide what sort of stand you need. There are a couple of options.
The stand must be stable to be able to hold the mic. That means not only supporting its weight but also having good adjustments. You will need to be able to get the mic in exactly the right place.
What sort of stand?
Do you want a boom arm stand that will give you plenty of room? Or do you prefer a desk-mounted stand? The boom will give you the reach and the room, but it can have its stability problems. A desktop mic might incur the same problems that the Yeti has with its built-in stand.
Before you buy
After deciding, but before you buy, you need to make sure there’s enough of an overhang from the edge of the desk. If there is none, most boom arm mics cannot be attached.
None of the stands we have looked at are particularly expensive. You will be able to get a good stand for a reasonable investment.
Looking for a Great Microphone or Mic Accessories?
Te podemos ayudar con eso. Check out our in-depth reviews of the Best Microphone Stands, the Best Live Vocal Mics, the Best Interview Microphones, the Best Computer Microphones, the Best Cheap Microphone Under $50, the Best Microphones For YouTube, the Best USB Microphones you can buy in 2022.
And if you are after more awesome Blue microphone products, have a look at our comprehensive Blue Snowball USB Microphone Review, our Blue Yeti X Review, our Blue Snowball iCE Review, our Blue Yeti USB Mic Review, and our Blue Baby Bottle Review for more amazing items currently on the market.
What are the Best Blue Yeti Microphone Stands?
Not being a great fan of boom arm stands, I would go for a stable short weighted base stand. I would choose the…
Gator Frameworks Short Weighted Base Microphone Stand
Well-made, safe and secure, it is solid enough to do what I need. But it also has plenty of potential for use in other recording applications. My choice for the Best Blue Yeti Microphone Stand.
Hasta la próxima, déjate escuchar.
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