La mejor alternativa al U87:revisión de las 4 mejores opciones que debería comprar en 2022
No hay mucho que pueda decir sobre el micrófono Neumann U87 que no se haya dicho ya. Conocido a menudo como el santo grial de los micrófonos, se encuentra en todos los estudios importantes del mundo. Y lo has escuchado en innumerables grabaciones; de hecho, se estima que se han grabado más voces número uno en las listas de éxitos con un U87 que con cualquier otro micrófono en la historia.
Entonces, ¿por qué querrías encontrar la mejor alternativa U87?
Hay un par de razones, por supuesto, y volveré sobre eso. Este micrófono es reconocido como el pináculo de los micrófonos para grabar voces. Pero tiene una variedad de aplicaciones y es excelente para instrumentos acústicos, micrófonos aéreos y como micrófono de sala.
Neumann- Algunas cosas están destinadas a ser
Si miras la historia de esta empresa, verás que algo los preservó en algún lugar para darnos el U87. Fundada en 1923 en Berlín, su fábrica fue incendiada en 1943.
Después de moverse hacia el este, fueron tomados por el régimen comunista soviético al final de la guerra. Fueron reclamados como un negocio "propiedad del estado", les gustara o no.
Si no hubiera sido por la reunificación y la caída del Muro de Berlín, es posible que nunca los hubiéramos vuelto a ver. Pero tuvimos que esperar hasta ese evento que cambió la historia. Entonces podrían mirar a través de un agujero en la pared y saludar. Todavía estamos aquí.
¿Valió la pena la espera?
Pregúntale a Sinatra o Presley. Bing Crosby o los Beatles. Creo que probablemente lo fue.
Pero no llegó de repente
El U87 no acaba de llegar. En 1947, Neumann lanzó un gran micrófono de condensador, que se convertiría en una leyenda, el apropiadamente llamado U47.
La actuación fue alucinante. El detalle y la calidad tonal son casi incomparables. Uno de los mejores micrófonos jamás creados, con buenos ejemplos antiguos que ahora se venden por alrededor de $ 20,000.
Avance rápido hasta 1967
Fue un año para recordar por muchas razones.
- Vietnam estaba ganando intensidad.
- El asesinato de estudiantes universitarios desarmados de Kent State que protestaban contra Vietnam por parte de la Guardia Nacional de EE. UU. unos meses antes estaba teniendo repercusiones nacionales.
- Dra. Christian Barnard realizó el primer trasplante de corazón.
- Se llevó a cabo el Primer Festival de Rock de Monterey.
- Los árabes atacaron a Israel para iniciar la Guerra de Yom Kippur.
- Y... Neumann lanzó al sucesor del U47, el U67.
Y veinte años después, cuando pasaban muchas menos, llegó el U87
¿Por qué es tan bueno?
Note que dije 'es' y no 'era'. Es muy bueno, pero es caro y suena así. Es versátil también. Todos lo conocemos por la voz, como he dicho, pero funciona bien con mucho más.
¿Tiene algo de malo?
'Incorrecto' no es la palabra correcta para usar. Si está diciendo "incorrecto", entonces no, no lo hay. Pero puede haber un par de cosas que podrían causarle un problema, a saber...
La Sensibilidad
Por lo general, cuanto más sensible sea el micrófono, mejor, lo que le permitirá captar todos los matices de la interpretación, especialmente con las voces. Pero ese no es siempre el caso. A veces puede ser un poco contraproducente.
Si la habitación o la cabina en la que lo está utilizando no es acústicamente perfecta, captará reflejos. Cada pequeño detalle va a ser capturado. Las cosas que no serían un problema con otros micrófonos 'arrendadores' pueden convertirse repentinamente en un problema.
Si su espacio de grabación está en esta categoría, es posible que esté mejor con la mejor alternativa U87 menos sensible.
Sin embargo...
La sensibilidad se vuelve insignificante cuando comenzamos a hablar sobre el precio. El precio probablemente estará fuera de lo que la mayoría de la gente podría permitirse gastar.
Algunos piensan que es demasiado caro. Algunos dicen lo mismo de un Bentley. Ninguno de ellos lo es. Obtienes lo que pagas en ambos casos. Sin embargo, los que dicen que es demasiado caro tienen algo en común con los críticos del coche. Si nunca ha conducido un Bentley, simplemente no lo entenderá. Y si nunca has grabado con un U87, se aplicará lo mismo.
La Realidad
And this, of course, is incredibly relevant, in that most people who are recording will just not be able to afford to buy a ‘real’ U87. Therefore it’s best to start looking around for an alternative, so here are some great suggestions starting with the…
Top 4 Best U87 Alternative For The Money in 2022 Reviews
- Neumann TLM 103 Condenser Microphone – Best Quality U87 Alternative
- Warm Audio WA-87 Vintage-Style Condenser Microphone – Best Affordable U87 Alternative
- Peluso P-87 Large Diaphragm Condenser Mic – Best Looking U87 Alternative
- AKG Pro Audio C414 XLII Vocal Condenser Microphone – Most Versatile U87 Alternative
Neumann TLM 103 Condenser Microphone – Best Quality U87 Alternative
Let’s start with another microphone from Neumann. The TLM 103 has enough quality of performance to be considered as a great alternative to the U87 . And at about half the price, it has plenty going for it.
Some Obvious Differences
This is not a mic that can compete with the U87 in terms of versatility; I ought to make that clear. It has just a single Cardioid polar pattern instead of the multiple patterns of its cousin.
Plus, there are no filter switches and no pads to give you that optimal performance for any instrument in any scenario. So it will not be able to be used in some recording situations. There are no hidden wonders; it is a ‘what you see is what you get’ mic.
Good For Vocals
Despite what appears to be some features lacking, it is still a good mic for vocals. I am using the word ‘good,’ not ‘great,’ you will notice. You can’t refer to a mic as ‘great’ when in the presence of the U87, which is ‘great.’
The frequency response is rather flat but has a small boost at 4kHz. That can make the production of the sound a little bright at times. That can be a good thing, but sometimes it is not what is required. For example, if you are working with a singer who has a naturally harsh tone, it could end up a little bright in the mix.
Low Mids
However, the sound balance is achieved with some nice low mids that deliver a warm natural tone, a feature that is often present in Neumann mics. It is no different here, and that is one of the reasons this is a decent alternative.
It has a strong build and a nice aesthetic design and is quite compact in its styling. Not the cheapest option I will look at, but if you want a mic that produces good vocals and don’t need a lot of versatility, it is a good option.

- Nice warm-sounding low mids.
- Compact and strong design and build.
- Not particularly versatile.
Warm Audio WA-87 Vintage-Style Condenser Microphone – Best Affordable U87 Alternative
Next in my Best U87 Alternative review, I have a mic that might be new to some but is certainly worth a look and has some great built-in versatility.
Is It a Clone?
Not really, but it isn’t hard to see what they have tried to do in the design of this mic. Apart from its looks, it has some interesting design features.
Like the U87, it is a large diaphragm mic that has three polar patterns. Cardioid, Figure of 8, and Omnidirectional are all easily accessible. That gives it a certain versatility. And there is a switch that will give you bass roll-off.
El Sonido
It does quite well with a nice mid-range and a strong presence boost. And when compared with other mics at a similar price range, it does very well. But we are not discussing that market.
It lacks a bit of warmth when compared with more expensive mics. That comparison comes into stark focus when you compare it to the U87.
Some Good Points
But it is probably unfair to make a comparison when comparing the price points of both. But it does have some big assets. The high SPL means it handles sources that are loud easily, even with the 10dB pad turned off.
Also, it is based more on the original U87 rather than today’s updated version, which some will like. The original was not as bright at the top end as the modern version can be.
If you can live with the sound not having the warmth associated with a real U87, then at this price point, it is certainly worth considering as an alternative.

- A good-looking build and is a versatile mic with a nice mid-range.
- Hands-on controls make it easy to operate.
- Muy asequible.
- It does lack some warmth in the sound.
Peluso P-87 Large Diaphragm Condenser Mic – Best Looking U87 Alternative
Just like the Neumann TLM103 I looked at; the P87 is less than half the price of the Neumann. However, this mic is actually more similar to the U87 in many ways.
La construcción
Peluso has made this mic closely resemble the U87 without making it look like a knock-off copy. It has a similar tough exterior, so it even feels like it when you pick it up. But does it sound like a U87?
The Frequency response is the fairly standard 20Hz to 20000Hz. Up to 1.5kHz, it is rather flat but begins to lift after that point. It has a balanced sound, though, so you don’t get any harshness at the top end.
Three Patterns
It has three polar patterns, Cardioid, Figure of 8, and Omnidirectional. These are controlled by a three-position switch on the front.
There is a low-frequency roll-off switch on the back of the mic. This is a useful addition as it counteracts the proximity effect that can happen with vocals recorded too close to the mic.
There is also a -10dB pad to add some lower gain. This is also useful when working with drums, guitar cabinets, or brass instruments. Add to this the high SPL, and you have a very versatile mic that can cope with most things.
A Decent Effort
I don’t think for a moment Peluso thought they could equal the U87 in quality and performance. But they have done a good job in creating a very good mic indeed. And with many of the same attributes, if not the overall sound.
The price point isn’t cheap, but of course, it is nowhere near the U87, making it a good alternative option.

- Very good SPL and low self-noise.
- Well made with some quality sound production features.
- Doesn’t cut through the mix as well as some microphones.
AKG Pro Audio C414 XLII Vocal Condenser Microphone – Most Versatile U87 Alternative
Let’s close this look at the best alternatives to the Neumann U87 with another masterpiece. AKG made some great mics over the years, and the C414 was one of them. And it’s another mic that you will find in all the high-end studios around the world.
Made An Impact
As soon as the C414 was released in 1971, it made an impact. Now it has carved out for itself a special place in microphones.
It is known, like the U87, for the quality of its vocal recording . But it also works just as well with other instruments, especially ‘live’ guitars, especially acoustics, and is also great as an overhead mic.
Some ‘Good’ Features
Five separate polar patterns make up the significant design of the mic. Cardioid, SuperCardioid, Hyper-cardioid, Omnidirectional, and Figure of 8. The features go further with low-frequency roll-off, with access to 40Hz, 80Hz, or 160Hz roll-off at the flick of a switch.
Even further, in case you are working with a loud source. You can choose to use either a 0db, 6db, 12db, or an 18db pad.
If one of the reasons you want the U87 is versatility, then say hello to the C414. A great, versatile mic at a price point that says it’s worth every penny. A bit like a Bentley, really.

- Good build that produces a warm vocal sound.
- Packed with AKG nohow and features.
- Ninguno.
Looking for more superb microphone options?
Then check out my comprehensive reviews of the Best Vocal Mics, the Best Condenser Microphones, the Best Microphones Recording for Electric Guitar, the Best Microphones for Recording Rap Vocals, the Best Live Vocal Mic, the Best XLR Microphones, the Best Dynamic Microphones as well as the Best USB Microphones you can buy in 2022.
You may also be interested in the Best Microphone Stands or the Best XLR Cables for Microphones currently on the market.
So, what is the Best U87 Alternative?
Some Great Mics, I’ve only looked at a few, but all of them have some impressive features. Although trying to truly compare anything to the mighty U87 is rather futile. But if the price of one is too much, as it will be for many, then you need an alternative, and that’s what I’ve tried to give you in a range of different price points.
In terms of my personal favorite, the Peluso is very impressive, but if I had to choose, I would go with the…
AKG Pro Audio C414 XLII Vocal Condenser Microphone
An outstanding mic in every respect and highly recommended if a U87 is outside your budget .
Happy recording.
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