Consejos sobre Nexus 9:las primeras 9 cosas que debes hacer
Si usted es uno de los muchos que se apresuró a comprar un Nexus 9 tan pronto como apareció en Google Play Store o en su punto de venta local, entonces puede estar hasta las rodillas en Android 5.0 Lollipop y ni siquiera saberlo. es aún mejor de lo que es actualmente. Todo lo que necesita hacer es ajustar un par de cosas para que el Nexus 9 con Android sea aún mejor. Estos son nuestros consejos esenciales sobre el Nexus 9 que deberían ser lo primero que hagas cuando lo saques de la caja.

- Revisión del Nexus 9
Usar Tocar e Ir
Si tienes un dispositivo Android con NFC y Bluetooth, que es prácticamente todo, entonces realmente deberías usar la función Tap &Go cuando configures tu Nexus 9 por primera vez. Durante la primera ejecución de la configuración, verás en la pantalla Tap &Go.

Tome su otro dispositivo (con NFC y Bluetooth habilitado) y toque los dos juntos. Escuchará el sonido de emparejamiento NFC y la transferencia de Bluetooth de todas sus aplicaciones, cuentas y datos comenzará su migración a su nueva tableta. Es rápido, fácil y verdaderamente brillante.
Configurar el Ahorro de batería de Nexus 9
Una de las mejores características de Android 5.0 es el nuevo modo de ahorro de batería. Claro, este tipo de cosas ha estado en todos los demás productos insignia de OEM este año, pero no ha sido una característica de Android de serie antes.

Dirígete a Configuración> Batería y presiona ese pequeño botón de menú de desbordamiento en la esquina superior derecha y activa Ahorro de batería. Luego puede elegir entre encenderlo al 15% o al 5% restante. Confía en mí, el efecto que tiene Battery Saver cuando te estás quedando sin energía lo convierte en un elemento esencial.
- Duración de la batería de Android 5.0:todo lo que necesitas saber
Redirige tu correo electrónico a Gmail (y deshazte de la aplicación muerta)
Parece súper extraño, pero Google decidió mantener la antigua aplicación de correo electrónico en el Nexus 9, pero cuando la abres, hay una pantalla de bienvenida que te dice que ahora vive bajo la atenta mirada de la aplicación Gmail. Entonces, básicamente es un ícono hueco que ocupa espacio en el cajón de tu aplicación sin ningún motivo. Así que inicie la ''aplicación'' y marque la pequeña casilla que lo redirige a Gmail en caso de que en un momento de olvido toque accidentalmente el ícono de Correo electrónico en lugar del ícono de Gmail.

Pero entonces también querrás deshacerte de la aplicación hueca. Vaya a Configuración> Aplicaciones y busque Correo electrónico en la pestaña Todo. Entra y deshabilítalo. It will now disappear from your app drawer but any Exchange or Yahoo, Outlook etc accounts that you have will still be redirected to the Gmail app via Exchange Services. The Email app will now live in limbo on the Disabled tab in Apps if you ever decide you want a useless app icon in your app drawer in the future.
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Familiarize yourself Interruptions and Priorities
When you first hit the volume button on your Nexus 9 you may notice there's some additional information there. ''None,'' ''Priority'' and ''All'' now appear underneath the volume slider. These are your Interruptions settings, which you can also access through Settings> Sound &Notification> Interruptions.

This setting lets you set up rules for what you consider to be priority interruptions as well as the days and times during which you want to be notified of them. So, for example, you can set Events &Reminders as priority notifications during work hours and perhaps phone calls and messages from your family only as well. Alarms are always priority notifications, so don't fret.
- Best Android 5.0 Lollipop features
Take control of Chrome
Fortunately, the Nexus 9 doesn't suffer from the same irritating default Chrome setting that the Nexus 5 does, where Chrome tabs are accessible through the Recent Apps list rather than through the in-app tab switcher. If you use other apps in between Chrome windows, your Chrome tabs will be separated in the Recents list.

Fortunately you can change this in Chrome's settings, but the Nexus 9 has the traditional tab view. However, head to Chrome Settings anyway and go to the Advanced tab. Check the box for ''Force enable zoom'' to override website's that don't automatically let you zoom in, and set yourself a comfortable font size for when you double tap a paragraph in Chrome.
- Everything you need to know about Android 5.0 Lollipop
Get yourself a better music player
I mean, seriously. No offense Google, but I don't trust you to give me the best out of my sexy new BoomSound stereo-front-facing speakers. Sure, they’re bassy and loud but I want to tweak the living daylights out of them to get exactly the audio experience I want.

So head to the Play Store and grab an app with a great EQ like Poweramp. There's a free trial version but you'd do well to dig deep and fork out the couple of bucks it costs to get the full version because with speakers like this, you want them sounding their absolute best. BoomSound all the things!
Set up Smart Lock
You're on the front foot of Android with the Nexus 9. One of the coolest features of Android 5.0 Lollipop is easily Trusted Devices, or personal unlocking if you prefer. Once you have a lock screen security set up, you will have access to the previously grayed out Smart lock section in Security.

- Android 5.0 security:everything you need to know
From here you can set your lovely mug as a Trusted Face or your smartwatch, an NFC badge or any other Bluetooth device as a Trusted Device, meaning that when you're in the vicinity of that Trusted Device you can bypass your lock screen security entirely. Once your Trusted Device is out of range, your lock screen security kicks back in. It's simple, brilliant and the future of mobile security.

Set your lock screen notifications
When you use swipe to unlock as your unlock method you only have two options for lock screen notification visibility:show all notifications or none at all (accessible in Settings> Sound &Notification> ''When device is locked''). Once you set up a more secure lock screen security option though, that expands to include another option:hide sensitive notification content.

This means that while you'll still be able to see that emails etc have arrived, you won't be able to swipe down to preview their contents on the lock screen unless you first enter your lock screen security method. While it's kinda cool to be able to see everything right there on the lock screen, perhaps you don't want just anyone that picks your Nexus 9 up to be able to see the same things.

Double tap to wake
Don't forget that the Nexus 9 supports double tap to wake! Quite possibly the greatest software feature to grace Android in the past year. When your screen is off, simply double tap it to wake it from sleep! If you install an alternate launcher like Nova Launcher, you can then turn it off again by double tapping in the status bar up top (accessible via Nova's settings).
What are your thoughts on the Nexus 9 so far? What's your favorite part of Android 5.0?
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