Cómo pagar con tu reloj inteligente y qué bancos lo admiten
El pago sin contacto está totalmente de moda y hay muchas razones para ello. Se acabó el andar a tientas con el dinero en efectivo, basta con acercar la tarjeta, el teléfono inteligente o el reloj al lector y listo. Pagar con un reloj inteligente es especialmente conveniente, por lo que lo guiaremos a través de cómo funciona y qué ofrece.
Salta directamente a...
- Pago de Google
- Pago de Apple
- Pago de Samsung
- Pago de Garmin
- Pago de Fitbit
Pago de Google
Para poder usar Google Pay en un reloj inteligente con Wear OS, primero necesitará el hardware adecuado:un chip NFC. No todos los relojes inteligentes con Android lo ofrecen en 2019 todavía:el LG Watch W7, por ejemplo, no lo tiene, al igual que el Mobvoi Ticwatch E2 y S2. El reloj también debe tener la última versión de Wear OS.
Pagar con un reloj inteligente en la caja funciona de manera similar a usar un teléfono inteligente:cuando tenga su total listo, puede iniciar la aplicación Google Pay en su reloj inteligente y colocarlo en el lector (en lugar de su teléfono o tarjeta de débito/crédito). Cuando se le solicite, seleccione la opción "tarjeta de crédito", independientemente del tipo de tarjeta que esté usando.
NFC se utiliza para comparar los datos y completar el proceso de pago. Dependiendo de su país, puede haber un "límite mínimo", lo que significa que las compras superiores a una cierta cantidad requerirán ingresar su PIN o una firma. En Canadá, por ejemplo, la mayoría de las instituciones financieras limitan los pagos sin contacto a $CA100.
Esta es una lista de los principales bancos, cooperativas de crédito y empresas que ofrecen Google Pay en EE. UU.:
- AMEX (todas las tarjetas)
- Bank of America (la mayoría de las tarjetas)
- Barclays EE. UU. (todas las tarjetas)
- BBVA Compass (tarjetas de crédito, débito y prepago Visa Consumer BBVA Compass)
- Capital One (crédito Visa de consumo de EE. UU., crédito y débito MC de consumo de EE. UU.)
- Chase (tarjetas de crédito, débito y prepagas Chase Visa para el consumidor, tarjetas de débito Chase Visa para empresas)
- Discover (Discover Consumer Credit, tarjetas de débito PBoA)
- Punto Verde (Green Dot Everyday Mastercard, SEIU Everyday Mastercard)
- HSBC (tarjetas de crédito y débito para consumidores)
- USAA (débito y crédito Visa, crédito Mastercard y crédito American Express)
- US Bank (tarjetas Visa de débito y crédito; tarjetas de crédito Mastercard; tarjetas de consumo, para pequeñas empresas y corporativas)
- Wells Fargo (Consumer and Business Debit Visa, Consumer Prepaid Visa, Consumer Credit Visa and American Express, Business Credit Visa)
You can check out the full US list here, or the Canada list, UK list, the Australian one and finally the New Zealand list of banks that support Google Pay.

Apple Pay
For Apple fans there is only one choice when it comes to paying with a smartwatch:Apple Pay and an Apple Watch. The Apple system works with so-called tokens, which are considered particularly secure because the card data of the transaction is not stored on the iPhone, nor the Apple Watch, nor on the Apple servers for a longer period of time.
The processing of a payment is very simple:put the watch on the reader, wait a few seconds, enter your PIN if necessary and done! Once set up, Apple Pay works right across the product family and hardly ever causes problems in everyday life.
The list of banks that supports Apple Pay in the US is huge - you can check it out here, along with the list of Canadian banks. Readers from Australia and New Zealand can check if their banks work with Apple Pay here, while UK readers can follow this link.

Samsung Pay
Samsung fans can use the Korean company's own payment system, Samsung Pay, especially if they own a Galaxy Watch. The Tizen OS found on most Samsung wearables does not have a Google Pay application. In the US, that shouldn't be an issue since Samsung Pay is supported by a variety of banks, credit unions and companies. Here are some of them:
- Chase
- American Express
- Bank of America
- Wells Fargo
- Discover
- Capital One
- US Bank
- Barcleycard
You can check out the full US list here. Unfortunately, in the UK the list of banks which support Samsung Pay is a lot smaller. The same applies to Canada, where only these banks offer the Samsung service:
- CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)
- RBC (Royal Bank of Canada)
- Scotiabank
- American Express
Australia is doing better in that regard (click here for full list), while in New Zealand the only option for Samsung Pay users seems to be ANZ.

Garmin Pay
Garmin, known for its heart rate monitors and sports wearables, does not support the payment systems of Google, Apple or Samsung. It has instead introduced its own - Garmin Pay. It works just like the three big names in the industry, but only on a few Garmin smartwatches and not on smartphones. However, outside of the US, the number of banks that support it is limited. Here are some the US banks, which offer it:
- Bank of America (Visa and Mastercard)
- Capital One (Visa and Mastercard)
- Wells Fargo (Visa)
- U.S. Bank (Visa and Mastercard)
- Discover
- Chase (Visa)
You can view the full US list here, as well those for other countries by selecting your region and card type.

Fitbit Pay
In addition to Garmin, Fitbit also offers its own payment system for athletes. As with the others, it is simply called Pay and works on the Fitbit Ionic and Fitbit Versa. Fitbit's simple pedometers have to get by without it. In the US, as we saw with Garmin Pay, a variety of banks and credit unions support the payment method:
- Bank of America
- American Express
- Alliance Bank (Visa)
- Capital One (Credit)
- Chase Bank (Visa)
- Wells Fargo
- U.S. Bank
You can check the full list for all regions here.

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