7 problemas comunes del aire acondicionado y cómo solucionarlos

Cuando su unidad de aire acondicionado deja de funcionar, podría ser una solución simple. Pero también puede ser un problema importante. Si bien algunos problemas se pueden evitar con una limpieza regular, es importante que un técnico revise los problemas que no puede resolver usted mismo. Hay una variedad de razones que pueden hacer que su aire acondicionado se apague, así que echemos un vistazo a siete problemas comunes del aire acondicionado y cómo solucionarlos.

7 problemas comunes del aire acondicionado

¿Quieres saber cómo reparar tu aire acondicionado? Aquí hay siete problemas comunes con los acondicionadores de aire domésticos y cómo solucionarlos:

  • La unidad está desconectada
  • Filtros y bobinas bloqueados
  • Termostato fuera de lugar
  • Disyuntores y fusibles quemados
  • Acumulación de hielo
  • Configuración incorrecta
  • Desgaste del compresor

Echemos un vistazo más de cerca a cada uno de estos problemas de la unidad de aire acondicionado y veamos cómo solucionarlos.

Su unidad de aire acondicionado está desconectada

Este no es un problema con su aire acondicionado como tal, sino con su conexión eléctrica. Entonces, en primer lugar, verifique que la unidad esté enchufada. Si bien esto puede ser un problema obvio, en ocasiones el enchufe puede soltarse parcial o completamente. Los enchufes pueden caerse fácilmente de la pared, así que asegúrese de que sea lo primero que revise antes de empezar a preocuparse.

¿Cómo arreglo un aire acondicionado cuando está desenchufado?

Simplemente verifique que todos los enchufes (dependiendo de su modelo de CA) estén conectados correctamente a sus tomas de corriente en su circuito. Para obtener más información sobre cómo se cablea su sistema de enfriamiento, consulte el Estándar de Australia/Nueva Zelanda (AS/NZS) 3000-2007, también conocido comúnmente como Reglas de cableado, que proporciona requisitos y pautas para la instalación de equipos y electrodomésticos eléctricos. incluyendo aires acondicionados.

Los filtros o bobinas de su aire acondicionado están bloqueados

7 problemas comunes del aire acondicionado y cómo solucionarlos

El mantenimiento inadecuado puede conducir rápidamente a una falla de CA y potencialmente aumentar su factura de energía al hacer que su unidad trabaje más. Si deja los filtros y las bobinas de aire acondicionado sin limpiar, el compresor o los ventiladores pueden fallar prematuramente, por lo que es importante limpiar los filtros periódicamente. Los filtros y bobinas sucios también pueden provocar el más molesto de todos los problemas del aire acondicionado:ciclos cortos. Si su acondicionador de aire está atascado en un ciclo de encendido, funcionando por un corto tiempo y luego apagándose nuevamente, está sufriendo un ciclo corto y se beneficiará de una limpieza a fondo. Filtros lavables debe limpiarse anualmente para ayudar a mantener el aire acondicionado en funcionamiento, pero es posible que desee limpiarlos cada tres a seis meses si descubre que normalmente están cubiertos de mucho polvo y suciedad cuando los saca. Trate de limpiarlos antes de las temporadas altas (verano e invierno) para ayudar a que su aire acondicionado funcione de manera eficiente durante estos tiempos.

¿Cómo arreglo un aire acondicionado con filtros o bobinas bloqueados?

Deberá abrir el panel frontal de su unidad interior para quitar los filtros ubicados en el interior. Dales un buen cepillo y sacúdelos, así como un enjuague rápido (si tienes filtros lavables) para eliminar el exceso de polvo o la suciedad atrapada. Para los filtros no lavables, puede usar una aspiradora en modo de bajo consumo, con una herramienta adjunta para eliminar el polvo bloqueado y otras suciedades.

Para acceder a la bobina del ventilador, deberá quitar completamente el chasis de la unidad interior. Una vez que haya accedido al fancoil, simplemente rocíelo con una solución de limpieza de aire acondicionado adecuada, déjelo durante unos minutos y luego enjuáguelo con agua tibia.

El termostato de tu aire acondicionado está fuera de lugar

Los acondicionadores de aire para habitaciones están diseñados con un sensor de termostato (ubicado detrás del panel de control), que mide la temperatura del aire que expulsa la unidad. Si su unidad no está soplando aire frío, es posible que el sensor se haya salido de su posición.

¿Cómo arreglo un aire acondicionado con un termostato desalojado?

Esto requerirá que un técnico lo ajuste de nuevo al lugar correcto. In addition, check the thermostat status on the controller. If it’s set to ‘on’, make sure the thermostat is also set to ‘cool’ (read your manual if in doubt), or you might need to lower the temperature on your controller to help solve this issue.

Your air conditioner has blown circuit breakers and fuses

7 problemas comunes del aire acondicionado y cómo solucionarlos

Circuit breakers and fuses are often to blame when the air conditioner stops working. With older homes, it can be common to have circuits that are overloaded if the air con shares a circuit with other appliances such as fridges, microwaves, or irons.  Check to see if the fuse has been blown or if the circuit breaker has been tripped. A tripped switch, located in your house’s meter box, can easily be flicked back to the position, but a blown fuse will need replacing.

How do I fix an air conditioner with blown circuit breakers and fuses

If your air conditioner has blown a fuse or the circuit breaker, you’ll need to call on a qualified electrician to fix it. This type of job only takes a couple of hours so it shouldn’t cost you too much in labour, although call-out fees may apply. Do not attempt to undertake any electrical work yourself.

Your air con has ice build-up

Ice build-up is the bane of many homes with an air conditioner. If the fan blower belt becomes damaged, ice can form inside the unit, causing a slow cooling performance.  To check if this is the case, switch off the unit and lift the cover to see if there is any ice build-up on or behind the filter.

How do I fix an air conditioner with ice build-up?

The only way to remove ice build-up from your air conditioner is to turn your appliance off and allow time for the ice to completely defrost. The process of defrosting your air con can take anywhere from an hour to over 24 hours, depending on the extent of the ice build-up.

Your air conditioner is on the wrong setting

7 problemas comunes del aire acondicionado y cómo solucionarlos

Having the right temperature set on your control is key. If your AC is blowing air but still isn’t cold, ensure your unit is set to ‘cooling’ mode on the controller. Typically, this is indicated by a snowflake symbol or the words ‘cold’ or ‘cool’. If it’s already on this mode, check the temperature is low enough for the unit to know it needs to cool. You can test this by dropping the temperature to 16°C on a hot day to check if the air from the air con feels cool before you switch it to an optimum level such as 24°C. This goes for heating as well – if you’re using the air conditioner to heat the home in winter but it’s blowing cold air, check the mode on your controller. Key settings to remember:

  • Snowflake =cooling
  • Sun =heating

During the heating cycle, it’s possible for the unit to blow cold air. This might occur because of the defrost cycle, which switches to a ‘cooling’ mode to allow the outdoor unit to heat up and defrost. However, there might also be settings on the controller that are hindering the fan to switch off – this is where you can consult your manual or a technician. It might also be because some controllers allow you to set the fan motor to constant operation, meaning the fan will operate regardless of settings, defrost cycle, or temperature, which you can switch off.

How do I fix an air conditioner with the wrong settings?

Incorrect settings can be easily fixed by changing the temperature range and cooling mode on the controller directly. If your air con settings look too complicated to change or if you’re not confident about what to do, it may be worth consulting a specialised technician to look over your air conditioner’s settings.

Your air con’s compressor is worn out 

Compressor and fan controls can wear out over time, particularly if your unit is constantly getting switched on and off. It’s also common for a compressor to stop working due to a faulty or broken capacitor. An air conditioner can’t work without a functioning compressor, so it will probably need to be replaced. As this is a bit trickier to fix, it’s better to consult with a technician rather than tackling it yourself.

How do I fix an air conditioner with a worn-out compressor?

The compressor is an expensive part to replace, so depending on how long you’ve had your cooling system for, it may be time to start fresh with a new AC unit rather than pour money into a new compressor for a unit that’s only a few years away from the junk heap. A recent Canstar Blue survey found that consumers typically keep their air conditioner for an average of nine years before replacing it.

Signs of air conditioner problems 

While your air con not properly cooling or heating the room may be a good indicator it’s not working properly, there are a few other signs to look out for to ascertain if your unit is working at full capacity.


7 problemas comunes del aire acondicionado y cómo solucionarlos

Are you hearing some strange noises from your air conditioning unit? It could be dirty air filters making it difficult for the AC to process air. Or, it might be that the grille is not fitted properly, which can cause the air to bypass the grille and create a ‘whistling’ noise when the fan is on. Keeping filters clean and centred on the grille should help eliminate these types of noises.

If you’re replacing the grille it’s important to choose the right size for the unit. Undersized return air grilles can make the AC work harder than it should, causing the unit to become noisy. However, if the noise turns into banging or grinding, it’s recommended you switch the unit off immediately. These noises might be caused by a failure in the fan motor or fan motor mounts and will require a technician to fix.

Smoke or steam

If there is steam coming out accompanied by a burning plastic or rubber smell , switch off the unit immediately. In these situations, it is best to call a repair technician. However, there are times when steam isn’t a cause for worry. During winter, it can be common for steam to come from your outdoor unit when it’s set to ‘heating’. This is caused by the defrost cycle which melts and evaporates frozen condensation into the air, which is necessary to ensure it doesn’t turn into an ice box and prevent airflow over the radiator coil.

Water from outdoor unit

7 problemas comunes del aire acondicionado y cómo solucionarlosDuring the heating and cooling cycles, refrigerated air cons are designed to remove moisture from the air. On the heat setting, you might see water on the ground near your outdoor unit. This is condensation, caused by the moisture from the outdoor air meeting the warm coil of the air con and pooling beneath the unit.  On the cooling setting, moisture is drawn from the inside air, and in turn, the water is drained out from the roof area into the gutters.

Resetting the unit

If there has been a power failure fault, temperature fault, or no cold air is blowing, you might like to try switching off the power at the fuse box. If you switch it back on, and the problem continues, record the fault shown on the controller (if stated) and provide this information to a specialist.

You may also be interested in:

  • How much does an air conditioner installation cost?
  • How much electricity does my air conditioner use?
  • Ceiling fans vs air conditioning:the pros and cons

Is it time to replace your air conditioner?

7 problemas comunes del aire acondicionado y cómo solucionarlos

If you’ve had a professional check your air conditioner and there’s simply no solution, perhaps it’s time to buy a replacement. In general, air conditioners are claimed to last around nine to 10 years, so it’s worth getting a new AC installed when your unit has reached its twilight years.

These ice boxes are typically energy-intensive, so if your unit has had its day, then it might be worth investing in a new model. New units with high energy efficiency ratings might help reduce the running costs and might also provide you with a few extra features for your convenience.

To see which air conditioner brand is the best at helping to keep Australian families cool, follow the link below to our latest ratings report.